OK guys, coming soon to a road near you - G O D Z I L L A.
Our 2011 SOHC4 Relay Rally Across America, Canada and Beyond will be in the BEYOND stages soon! Little did we know just how amazingly successful this would be. It's actually gotten easy.

We are beginning to work with the riders in New Zealand and Australia. Once the North America Relay has completed around September Godzilla will travel to New Zealand for their springtime riding pleasure then onto Australia. My initial plan is to get Godzilla to you guys in your spring 2012 fresh from Australia.
It's still early for you but we'll need to begin our organizational structure for Europe soon. Now I can admit I really didn't have a clue how this would actually work but I knew I like to ride and I've done many miles so I figured I could pull the troops together to see what happened. S U C C E S S !! And it's been one fun and amazing experiment watching all the guys come together and meet one another along the Relay.
I'll probably bow out of the 2011 Relay once GZ hits Europe for your 2012 leg except as an advisor role so I'll need to find the ultimate road warrior/organizer to take over for Europe. I'm looking for references, advice, volunteers, etc. North America isn't bad for me but I don't have a clue about Europe. I have been wanting to do a personal Freedom Tour once my divorce is final. Maybe I can come ride the Alps with you guys and Godzilla!

Hint, hint!
Please communicate via PM's as I will get better notification.
Thanks and looking forward to carrying on the legacy that is G O D Z I L L A!
Jerry Griffin
2011 SOHC4 Relay Rally Across America, Canada and Beyond Coordinator