Author Topic: 750 Condenser Question  (Read 3513 times)

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Offline Trav-i

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750 Condenser Question
« on: July 13, 2011, 06:56:46 AM »
I had a minor glitch on the way home from work yesterday.  I lost a coil twice on the ride home, first time I was accelerating and as the tach hit 4000 RPM it just stopped pulling instantly and I could hear the engine missing bad but it came back after about a minute of this.  Second time I was almost home and it did the same thing, when I pulled in I turned it off and then started it right back up then it was fine :o.  So I know it's electrical in nature I'm just trying to isolate it, coil connections are good, plug ends are too (I cut and rethreaded the caps when I first got it), plugs are new D8EAs.  Points are gapped properly and not pitted, so to me the only thing left I haven't delt with yet are the condensers.  One has a small dent in it (I assume someone let the engine tip on it's side at some point), plus I can only imagine they are the orignal 35 year old part that came with the engine.

So my question is could a faulty condenser cause me to loose a coil?  Or have I missed something simple like I tend to do.



P.S.  The bike is 78 SS with a 75 SS engine in it.
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Offline kvallelunga

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Re: 750 Condenser Question
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2011, 03:24:24 PM »
Yes, Condensers are prone to act up at temperature too. Replace em and see if it make a difference, cheap insurance too.
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Offline Trav-i

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Re: 750 Condenser Question
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2011, 06:00:36 PM »
Normally I don't do this, but I'm gonna bump this back up.  I'm hoping to maybe get a few more ideas as to what might be going on with my bike.
Forum member #9962

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Offline Steve_K

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Re: 750 Condenser Question
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2011, 07:33:04 PM »
Must be catching.  My 550 started missing for 3,5 seconds and then run normally.  It does this when the engine is up to operating temps.  I agree, likely electrical, and I am going to swap condensers when I get a chance.

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Offline lrutt

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Re: 750 Condenser Question
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2011, 05:40:03 AM »
I wouldn't necessarily assume it's electrical.

I had a problem I swore was electrical like that once, took 3 months of replacing literally everything only to find out it was fuel related. Still boggles my mind as it just didn't make sense at the time. Sure does after the fact though.

Basically the fuel filter just wouldn't flow enough fuel. Looked clear but wasn't.
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Re: 750 Condenser Question
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2011, 09:26:29 AM »
if the points are staying clean and both sets look the same maybe it isn't that bent condenser. you could always swap positions on the plate with the unbent one and see if that changes the misfire

Offline Smitty057

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Re: 750 Condenser Question
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2011, 11:18:19 AM »

I had an issue very similar to this and it ended up being the condenser on 1:4.  It would run fine in the mornings and then started skipping badly on the way home from work when it was hot as hell.  Because the failure was not consistent, it was hard to diagnose at first.  When the bike starts doing this, take off the points cover and you should see big sparks between the points. Sure sign of condenser failure.
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Re: 750 Condenser Question
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2011, 12:47:04 PM »
Hi Travis !.....  I think it's condenser too or to a lesser degree 1 bad plugcap  ( are they pretty new ? ).

I'm gettin' ready for an 'assault' on North GA. on the 'ol K1 one of these weekends.... lock-up yer womenfolk and close the Bars, quick !!!    I'll PM ya soon,  ;)
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Offline 2wheels

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Re: 750 Condenser Question
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2011, 02:32:14 PM »
You could use a heat gun and heat the condenser, while idling in the driveway.
This may help prove out the condenser idea.

A hair dryer would work too.  Just try and focus the hot air only on the condenser.
1970 CB750 K0 (I can't believe I tossed my duck tail seat in the trash 30 years ago)

Offline Steve_K

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Re: 750 Condenser Question
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2011, 04:46:39 PM »
I took the points cover off this evening and saw the points sparking.  Put new condensors in and no sparking at the points and no miss.  Rode for 45 minutes and no miss.  Quick fix for me.
Hope your fix is as easy

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Offline Trav-i

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Re: 750 Condenser Question
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2011, 10:35:48 AM »
Hi Travis !.....  I think it's condenser too or to a lesser degree 1 bad plugcap  ( are they pretty new ? ).

I'm gettin' ready for an 'assault' on North GA. on the 'ol K1 one of these weekends.... lock-up yer womenfolk and close the Bars, quick !!!    I'll PM ya soon,  ;)

Ray!  What's up?  It's been a while and we do need to do another ride,  I'll rally the SOHC troops down here when you decide to stop in.  To answer your question the plug boots a probably orignal, along with condensers, I'm gonna see if I can get some new stuff soon.  I gotta get some money together first ;), got a bike to put back together for Chris so I should have some money here shortly.
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Re: 750 Condenser Question
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2011, 06:07:24 PM »
Hey man - bummer yr having trouble. As you know I've got similar shizzy going on with my 750. Just got a new points assembly with new condensors and OEM points. Gonna try to eliminate that as my problem as well. First thing you gotta do though is change out those plug caps. It probably won't fix yr issues but at least you'll know they're good. I'm heading to England next week but I'll be back first of August. Totally want to come for a visit with Ray if he hasn't gone already. Otherwise if you get straight head up this way. Garage, sleep and beer-drinkin' spaces await you. Good luck!
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Offline Trav-i

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Re: 750 Condenser Question
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2011, 08:55:12 PM »
Thanks for the offer!  I'm probably order up some new plug boots and condensers in the next few days.  Def gotta get it riding better before Barber (so far it's looking like a pretty big turn out for SOHCs), plus one of my old Highschool buddies is living up there now he's a chef at one of the newer restaurants downtown.  So N'ville is def on the list of places to get to this year!
Forum member #9962

I don't know a lot about anything, but I know a little about practically everthing. 

If your not first, your last - Ricky Bobby

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Re: 750 Condenser Question
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2011, 11:31:49 PM »
as stupid as this sounds a dirty fuel filter letting rust through to the carbs can do this by sporadically flooding out 1 or 2 cylinders but my money is on the condenser i have terrible luck with condensers the only ones that work for very long are for cars of the same erra brand new ones from my dealer don't last long but the ones mad fore cars at least get me a season of riding but still usually have to replace them at least once a year it is funny my origional ones lasted 25 years but all the replacements i have found are junk
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