Author Topic: How good (or bad) are the stock mirrors?  (Read 2308 times)

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Offline jawntybull

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How good (or bad) are the stock mirrors?
« on: July 24, 2011, 06:19:25 AM »
My K7 rebuild currently has what looks like stock mirrors, but they are next to useless. The left one drops down over time (too loose, but no adjustment possible) and both mirrors are too small and vibrate too much to be able to see much behind you.

My solution so far is to ride fast enough that you don't have to worry about who is behind me. That's my excuse, officer, and I'm sticking to it  :D

Trying to decide whether to buy a set from Mr Honda ($$?)
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Offline Bodi

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Re: How good (or bad) are the stock mirrors?
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2011, 07:00:13 AM »
My opinion is that the mirrors are required by law, but they just have to be there: they don't have to actually give you a useful view. You get a nice look at your elbows but anything you'd want to see is just a blur of vibration when you tuck your arm in out of the way.
Look over your shoulder before doing anything potentially fatal.

Offline 05c50

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Re: How good (or bad) are the stock mirrors?
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2011, 07:02:27 AM »
I have a set of stock mirrors on one of my bikes and they work fine with very little vibration. I have a set of "imitation" oem mirrors on another bike and they vibrate so bad that I have to pull the clutch in to see anything behind me and I can't keep them adjusted. I think the stock mirrors are worth the money, but there are some aftermarket ones that are also OK.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 03:52:06 PM by 05c50 »
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Re: How good (or bad) are the stock mirrors?
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2011, 03:37:47 PM »
Been my experience over the years that stock are far superior to most aftermarket.  If yours vibrate they aren't stock...Larry

Offline cameron

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Re: How good (or bad) are the stock mirrors?
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2011, 04:11:31 PM »
Mine are useful at almost any speed.
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Offline DJ_AX

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Re: How good (or bad) are the stock mirrors?
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2011, 04:38:58 PM »
The ones that came on my 750 looked like stock (who knows?) The stems seemed skinny and they sure did vibrate a lot. I went with bar end mirrors $15 bucks each... a little bigger. Had to replace the cheap clamps but now they're nice and tight. Then I upgraded with the concave mirrors $2 bucks.

I ride in heavy multi lane traffic often, and I really like the improvements.
For starters they vibrate a lot less.
They're wider out so I can see past my elbows those tailGators right behind me.
The convex mirrors took a little getting used to. I spent a little time checking around parked cars to get a better feel of their relative position to that in the mirrors. Now that I'm used to them I can see much better my blind spots. If it looks clear in the mirror I still do the shoulder check, but I do a lot less shoulder checks now because it's often pretty obvious someones in the next lane just behind me (what used to be my blind spot) admiring my machine.   ;D

Also ... I got my 550 with mirrors that look stock. The stems are a little shorter and much thicker. They don't vibrate.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 04:45:34 PM by DJ_AX »
~ Vincent . . . '75 CB750 K5 . . . '97 BMW r1100rt . . . had; '75 CB550 K1 (sold) . . .  '73 CB350G (gifted) HELL YEAH!
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Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: How good (or bad) are the stock mirrors?
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2011, 04:51:13 PM »
I can't complain MUCH about stock mirrors. I think it's all relative to how smoothly your engine runs and how well the chassis and wheels are set up. I will say that one mirror could use tightening to stay where I put it. I just haven't figured out how to remove the glass without breaking it. The nut behind it could use a little snugging against the spring.
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Re: How good (or bad) are the stock mirrors?
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2011, 06:51:52 PM »
Even with good mirrors keep your head on a swivel ;)

Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: How good (or bad) are the stock mirrors?
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2011, 09:28:40 PM »
I don't care for the stock Honda mirrors.  Big round mirrors on tall stalks look like bug eyes and I would think more prone to vibration.  Don't know for sure as I removed them before I even rode the bike and replaced them with XS650 stock mirrors.  A rectangular mirror with a  lower profile.  The only issue is the Yamaha mirrors are left and right hand thread so I needed two left sides for the Honda.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 09:38:45 PM by srust58 »

Offline TwoTired

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Re: How good (or bad) are the stock mirrors?
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2011, 11:46:12 PM »
I much prefer the stock mirrors.  They have a convex reflection and are tall enough to stay in your peripheral vision while looking forward, and still "see" past your arms and shoulders.  The SOHC4s are usually so smooth that vibration isn't an issue.  I've never had a stock one go loose unless it was smacked pretty good.

There are some aftermarket mirrors that are cheaper, look mostly the same with the exception of having a flat reflection instead of convex.  They make me nervous as every car looks like they are right at my tail light.  They also seem to get loose all on their own, with no way to snug them up.
I think I have some Yamaha, short and rectangular mirrors in the parts bin.  I took them off because hey were ineffective and seeing anything behind you.  I already know what my arms look like.  They look fine on the bike, if you you don't actually want to see behind you.  ;D
I don't like the bar end mirrors because lane splitting capability is far more restrictive, and you have to look away from the traffic ahead of you to see anything in them.  Well, apart from the flashing lights.  ;D

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Offline dave500

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Re: How good (or bad) are the stock mirrors?
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2011, 12:16:40 AM »
the stock ones are ok,i replaced one once with a nice shiney ching wahh brand or similar and it works ok but rusted badly in no time,the stock one which is years old still polishes up and has only a slight rust area,i dont go for bar end type,i think if the stockers were on shorter stems they would vibrate less,its not like you have to reverse with them and judge close distances,so long as you can see something there,i have a cheap little convex one stuck to my right hand one for lane changes.

Offline Johnie

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Re: How good (or bad) are the stock mirrors?
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2011, 06:23:59 AM »
My K4 came with aftermarket which looked new. They were great if you were sitting in the driveway with the motor off. Running they were useless!!! Constant vibration causing blurred mirror images. Junk!!! Got some OEM form Honda they are great. Seems to be the standard is Honda parts are superior to aftermarket.
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Offline TwoTired

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Re: How good (or bad) are the stock mirrors?
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2011, 08:54:41 AM »
Regarding mirror vibration.

Anyone done experiments with bar weights or changing the bar metal wall thickness?  Seems like those could be factors in shaky mirrors.

Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Offline DJ_AX

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Re: How good (or bad) are the stock mirrors?
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2011, 09:25:17 AM »
Regarding mirror vibration.

Anyone done experiments with bar weights or changing the bar metal wall thickness?  Seems like those could be factors in shaky mirrors.


Bar weights seemed to have no effect on mine.

Carb sync did :)
~ Vincent . . . '75 CB750 K5 . . . '97 BMW r1100rt . . . had; '75 CB550 K1 (sold) . . .  '73 CB350G (gifted) HELL YEAH!
Disclaimer: I could be wrong. :)