Its a shame, but its everywhere. The last newish bike we bought from a dealer (Top Indy name) was a 2005 Burgman for my wife. It was used, but only 6 months old. I talked them down pretty good, so we were happy. Still they were supposed to give the bike a thourough checkout before delivery.
When i got it home I checked the tire pressures, and they were barely 20psi. Supposed to be 25 fr, 35 rr. I expected that. So I changed the oil and did the checkout myself.
Dealers are really stretched, between low margins and ultra high model turnover, I don't see how they can make it, let alone provide good service. Still that's their challenge and if they want to stay in business they've got to figure it out for themselves.
In the meantime, I avoid them like the plague.
PS: In your case, a lot of the dealers here won't mess with a bike over 10 years old, and that's where yours is. I expect the dealer has it on a low priority list. You'll have to beat them up for service, I'm afraid.