Looks like it needs all new plastics and lots of phosphoric acid soak... Good luck with your abomination Uncle T... How many years it sit outside?
Thanks David, how many years did it sit outside? Probably most of them, looking at it. The seller rang me, he's a good guy, he's told me what a pig it is, and he said that rather than me agreeing to buy it sight unseen, I should come over and take a look, and he won't be offended if I don't buy it.
The plan is that I'll drive over to his place tomorrow afternoon (I'll drive my little truck) and if it's not beyond hope (and I have very low standards...) I'll buy it. It won't be a priority project, but they're pretty thin on the ground here (he has another one, in much better condition) so it still might be a good pickup. Interestingly enough, there are a lot of "crossover" parts between the TS400 and T350/500, so the speedo and tach, for instance are identical, and by chance, I have a spare set, so that'll save me a few hundred bucks alone. If I buy it.......