Is that real, or photoshopped? Doesn't look right, even though I know it's not supposed to. I actually like Miata's, they are a nice little car to drive, especially without big V8 engines shoved in them. 
A friend of mine who was a member here when doing his K5 750 has a knack of being able to install modern high performance Vette engines/stick shift into the Miata. He brought his down to my shop for a little ride once and I left the car thinking I would surely kill myself if I owned that thing.
Yep, there's nothing wrong with shoving a big heavy V8 into a tiny car Eric (Shelby was rather good at it) but what's wrong with improving the OEM power plant? Way less engineering needed, turbochargers or superchargers are readily available, and don't mess with weight distribution, steering and handling.
There was a turbo'd Miata (MX5 here in Oz) going cheap a couple of years ago, 380 RWBHP and looked as stock as a rock, so would be great fun. I have a twin turbo Subaru with not quite as much BHP as the Miata, but in a mid sized relatively light car, it is a wicked thing to drive quickly.