OK, Ive heard others advice and just don't agree. I wet sand with 400 3M wet dry being careful not to remove the numbers, or smooth the crisp edges too much. Low spots and gouges are filled with spot putty and allowed to dry overnight between coats. I then sand all over with 600 wet and either shoot limco base/clear paint directly over the old paint/putty or prime with sealer primer first if the spot putty is extensive or I have done some fiberglass work to the bucket. In a pinch, a good wet sanding with 600 and a coat of krylon gloss black will look great but won't stand up to any chemicals (brake fluid, or even some waxes) or rough handling. Same goes for the side covers. Stay away from thinners and strippers around that plastic and you will be just fine. Also, NONE of this is done with a block, all with the hand curved and an eye for what is being removed.