Author Topic: Is my coil wire bad?  (Read 960 times)

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Offline zackblack

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Is my coil wire bad?
« on: July 19, 2011, 07:15:07 AM »
Ok first: '72 CB500

One of the wires coming off of my coil will not screw tightly into the cap.  I've clipped 1/2" off the end of the wire and tried again but I have the same problem.  The core is twisted copper wire but seems to have squishy black tar-like stuff in it around the wire and between the wire and the insulation cover.  I suspect the wire is in this condition all the way up to the coil.

Is the coil wire bad?  Is the coil bad?

I haven't tried to turn it over yet (i still have to replace the fouled plugs).
:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

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Offline DJ_AX

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Re: Is my coil wire bad?
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2011, 07:51:06 AM »
I have a couple of wires like that on my 550. I'm surprised that they work but they do. I plan on replacing them soon. I'm sure they're likely to fail eventually.
~ Vincent . . . '75 CB750 K5 . . . '97 BMW r1100rt . . . had; '75 CB550 K1 (sold) . . .  '73 CB350G (gifted) HELL YEAH!
Disclaimer: I could be wrong. :)

Offline WarwickE36

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Re: Is my coil wire bad?
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2011, 08:12:22 AM »
I had 1 like that, it was too short to cut.  I replaced my coils with Dyna coils and got replaceable plug wires.  400 miles on them so far with zero complaints.
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Re: Is my coil wire bad?
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2011, 10:31:17 PM »
NGK makes splicers that allow you to cut the original wire close to the coil, and put new wires on to the end, for a fresh connection to the plug caps.  Cheaper than new coils, if hats a concern.
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Offline TwoTired

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Re: Is my coil wire bad?
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2011, 10:43:18 PM »
The core is twisted copper wire but seems to have squishy black tar-like stuff in it around the wire and between the wire and the insulation cover.  I suspect the wire is in this condition all the way up to the coil.
Um, probably not.  The tar stuff is the insulation damage by arcing at the poor connections.  Sounds like yours were loose for quite a long time.
NGK makes splicers if you can't cut back enough to make a solid contact AND reach the spark plug.  Splice in stranded copper core ignition wire if that becomes necessary.

Is the coil wire bad?  Is the coil bad?
Wire insulation is bad wherever it is goey.  The coil itself is probably NOT bad.
Replace if you can't find better uses for your money.

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Re: Is my coil wire bad?
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2011, 12:17:29 AM »
you might blast some carb cleaner or similar into the opening,then blast it out with compressed air,then squish around and compress the end of the wire with pliers a little,then try and re thread on your cap.