Author Topic: This is how I support my motorcycle habit... (aka Johnny's Record Roundup)  (Read 5682 times)

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Offline johnny

  • Hot Shot
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  • Posts: 315
Hey Johnny, I think you'd appreciate this..

A friend of mine found an unmarked LP at a garage sale in NYC, with a bunch of stuff salvaged from a house fire. He paid $0.75 for the record. It turned out to be an acetate from Velvet Underground's Sceptor studios session... It ended up selling for $25, 000 or so. Possibly the best score ever?

That's your friend?! I remember reading about that a few years back.
1976 CB550K
1974 CB350F
1974 CB550K
1972 CB350 Twin
1965 Lambretta
196(?) Honda S90
1975 Ford Bronco