
Which were the 2 fastest, most iconic & desirable alternatives to the CB750K in the 70s?

Laverda 1000 3 cyl
Laverda 750 SF (and SFC)
Kawasaki Z1/Z900/Z1000
Kawasaki H1/H2
Suzuki 750/1000 GS
Ducati 900SS
Benelli 750/900 Sei
Suzuki 750GT
Moto Guzzi 850 Sport LeMans (also 1000 II & III)
Moto Guzzi 750 V7 Sport

Author Topic: Which 2 were fastes, most desirable & iconic alternatives to the CB750K in 70s?  (Read 11645 times)

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Offline Stev-o

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The Kawi Z1 tried to dominate the street in the mid-1970s, but guys like me kept putting it back in its place with the CB750

Hondaman - You saying your 736cc CB was faster than the 903cc Z1?
Mine sure isnt.

I don't think so Steve, I think Mark is saying what i've said here before, A well piloted 750/4 was quite capable of showing up the old Kawasaki, especially in the twisties, I pissed off a few of my mates in the exact same way, including the first model Z1000... ;) 8)

Could be, Mick.  Sometimes, the guy with the bigger balls wins, ya know?!
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber!............plus plus plus.........

Offline Retro Rocket

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The Kawi Z1 tried to dominate the street in the mid-1970s, but guys like me kept putting it back in its place with the CB750

Hondaman - You saying your 736cc CB was faster than the 903cc Z1?
Mine sure isnt.

I don't think so Steve, I think Mark is saying what i've said here before, A well piloted 750/4 was quite capable of showing up the old Kawasaki, especially in the twisties, I pissed off a few of my mates in the exact same way, including the first model Z1000... ;) 8)

Could be, Mick.  Sometimes, the guy with the bigger balls wins, ya know?!

They tend to shrink as you get older Steve... :o ;)
750 K2 1000cc
750 F1 970cc
750 Bitsa 900cc
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The Kawi Z1 tried to dominate the street in the mid-1970s, but guys like me kept putting it back in its place with the CB750

Hondaman - You saying your 736cc CB was faster than the 903cc Z1?
Mine sure isnt.

Actually...this was where the 'Hondaman' moniker got started. :)
First, (1971) it was with the CB/CL350, making it challenge BSA 650 and Triumphs, pissing them off until 60+ MPH. When my brother took his CB350 to southern Missouri where he lived then and was impressing the local folks with it, word of a "Honda Man" down there who could make the 350 really run was spreading, and it reached me: I went down there to try to meet this guy and was disappointed when I discovered it was me. :(

When a local rider came to me one day in Macomb and told me he wanted to outrun his buddy's "Z" I asked how much he wanted to spend to do it. He had a K2 like mine, but later production. He didn't have the $$ for a big-bore or cam, so I had to work it stock. I did all the "external" things that are shown in my "Performance I" section of my book, then added Continental tires and a 17-tooth countersprocket, raised his mainjets and installed a K&N air filter, tightened up the spark advancer springs and added 4 degrees total advance, then installed a new Diamond XL chain (new in those days). I charged him a little over $150 (a month's salary in those days!) and he left a little down-mouthed over the cost.

--until the next weekend. Then both he and his 2 other friends with CB750s came to have it done to theirs, too. Three weeks later the guy with the Z1 came, then the guys with the Harleys and the R90 BMWs that these Hondas were mopping up in the surrounding towns, like Blandinsville, Chillicothe, and even Peoria. It spread from that summer (1972) like a wildfire: I went to the Black Hills in August with some friends on our bikes and when I returned the shop was full of 750s, 500s and a couple 550s, and more Z1 bikes. It took me until November to get them all done. While I was gone, my buddy Tom was hanging around the shop when the Z1 riders appeared on that weekend. While they were talking about who was going to work on their bikes, Tom (who rode one of these 750s) butted in and asked, You mean the Honda Man? He's in South Dakota this week". After that, the moniker never went away.
See SOHC4shop@gmail.com for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

The demons are repulsed when a man does good. Use that.
Blood is thicker than water, but motor oil is thicker yet...so, don't mess with my SOHC4, or I might have to hurt you.
Hondaman's creed: "Bikers are family. Treat them accordingly."

Link to Hondaman Ignition: http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=67543.0

Link to My CB750 Book: https://www.lulu.com/search?adult_audience_rating=00&page=1&pageSize=10&q=my+cb750+book

Link to website: www.SOHC4shop.com

Offline jimv50

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A Guzzi Le Mans MkII, in blue, was by far the bike to have in Europe in the 70's. MkI just slightly less so.
Effortlessly cool, effortless to ride long distances and even now desirable in the extreme. Nothing came close.
As for reliability, cost and  bling, the Japs had the edge there.
Would I have now? Of course I would, I'd be mad not to!
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Offline mrbreeze

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Wow...I missed this poll but my choice won it by a landslide. I had a 74' z1 and a 77' LTD 1000 back in the 80's. The z1 was the faster bike but the LTD was prettier.....had chromed engine covers and the stepped seat. If cash wasn't a problem I would gladly buy another to keep my 750 company in the garage.
MEMBER # 257
Fool me once..shame on you. Fool me twice..I'm kickin' your a$$......