I'm getting as many of my friends who can put together a bike that can make the trip from NW Arkansas to Barber Museum. As of now we're planning on doing this the last weekend of August(official dates not yet set in stone). With any luck this will be after I have quit my job and am getting ready to move, so I won't be in any sort of rush on this trip. We're planning on camping along the way and once we're there. I'm making this trip for a couple reasons. One, I've always wanted to go to Barber and I'm leaving the country soon, so I better get there while I have the chance. Two, my birthday is August 30th and I haven't really done anything exciting for my b-day in a while. Three, do you really need a reason to ride your motorcycle to Barber? I'll be making this trip by myself if my friends fall through. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join in on the ride or just meet up at Barber. I hope to see some of you out there!