Author Topic: Hmmmm No Spark Issue on my K6, much data follows. Any help?  (Read 734 times)

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picked up a K6 project, last registered in 2005 and has been sitting.  has some potential,  and PO said it needed coils.  key on, all electrics light up and even the blinkers work.  no spark, tho.  did a search for clues and here's what i've done or checked so far, and still no spark.  had to install 4 new NGK plug caps and 2 new NGK splice kits (one on #3 and one on #4).   

charged battery overnight
cleaned, dried, gapped points at .014

battery = 13.05v
black/white wire(s) at the coils = 11.50v
blue points wire = 11.23v
yellow points wire = 11.23v

checked the coils:
have continuity between black/white wire to yellow
have continuity between black/white wire to blue
have cont between plug leads 1 to 4
have cont between plug leads 2 to 3
have no cont between black/white or yellow, to leads 2 or 3
have no cont bwteen black/white or blue, to leads 1 or 4

resistance between black/white to yellow = 4.9ohms
resistance between black/white to blue = 4.8ohms
resistance between #1 and #4 leads (incuding cap and splice kit) = 24.9
resistance between #2 and #3 leads (incuding cap and splice kit) = 25.0

i lose power to the coils when i try the "kill" switch, so that seems to function ok

reading that the circuit is completed by grounding via the points, i checked for continuity between battery ground and each green wire at the points and found none.  checked with points open and closed, same results.  maybe this is normal, no idea.

i think the resistance of the coils shoud be 15k, but i'm reading 24.8k.  maybe because i'm reading with the caps in place, and a splice kit is in-line too.

i've checked for spark in a darkened room, with nothing there. 

does the above info point to two bad condensors?

many thanks for any ideas.  i think i'm close to a solution, but am stumped right now.
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Offline Spanner 1

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Re: Hmmmm No Spark Issue on my K6, much data follows. Any help?
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2011, 06:51:01 PM »
Your coils are good.... are you sure the points are closing? Can you read any voltage at the points when they are closed ? Are the points 'shiney' clean ?
Ign. 'on', you must get a spark with plugs in each cap and laying on the head ( ground ) everytime you 'flick' open the points ( when you confirm they are actually closed )......
One more thing... did you set the points gap to 14 thou. at the highest part of the points cam ?
« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 06:52:38 PM by Spanner 1 »
If your sure it's a carb problem; it's ignition,
If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....

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Re: Hmmmm No Spark Issue on my K6, much data follows. Any help?
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2011, 04:47:43 AM »
hi spanner1,
thx for confirming the coils are ok, that allowed me to focus purely on the points.  i filed/cleaned and wiped them dry again and now have spark on 1/4, and intermittant on 2/3.  this now means coils, plugs, wiring/connections and condensers are ok.  much progress!

i did notice the points for 2/3 have an "x" deeply scribed on the face, and that flicking them open also gives intermittant sparky there.  will re-file when i have a chance but will probably just replace them.
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Offline Skunk Stripe

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Re: Hmmmm No Spark Issue on my K6, much data follows. Any help?
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2011, 06:23:52 AM »
You will always have intermittent spark with points but it should only be a little. If it lights up your garage, its too much! :D

Offline steam-powered man

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Re: Hmmmm No Spark Issue on my K6, much data follows. Any help?
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2011, 07:48:51 AM »
sometimes when i open the 2/3 points for i get a weak spark, sometimes no spark at all.  weird.  wondering why someone would scribe an "x" on the points face?  or they are a particular brand?   
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Offline Spanner 1

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Re: Hmmmm No Spark Issue on my K6, much data follows. Any help?
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2011, 08:52:16 AM »
Unless your battery is fully charged, it can be hard to get a reliable spark ( statically ) by 'flicking the points open..... I presume your K6 bike is a 750K6  which is the first 750 without the h/l on-off switch.
If your h/l is running during these tests it will run the battery down PDQ and effect the ability for the ign. to produce a spark by 'flicking' the points open. With the battery fully charged, I'd pull the h/l fuse so as to allow the ign. all available power......... just don't forget to put the fuse back in if you run your bike down the road to test it ... ;) :D
If your sure it's a carb problem; it's ignition,
If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....

Offline steam-powered man

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Re: Hmmmm No Spark Issue on my K6, much data follows. Any help?
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2011, 04:12:48 PM »
ah, good point on the headlight.  found a set of new 2/3 points in my box o'parts and will try them tonight, pulling the lighting fuse.  many thx!  ;)
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