For #$%*s and giggles I took the screens out of the velocity stacks and put a piece of paper towel over them, then put them back on the bike. It ran and I had the choke nearly closed when the 3 or 4 back fired and coughed fuel out of the intake and then the bike died. I consulted my friends dad (been chopping CBs since they came out) and he said to lower the needle clips, so I lowered them by one position. The bike idled at 3k, but the choke issue was back.
So, I pulled the airbox from the parts bike. What a chore! The airbox said cb750F, even though the bike was a K3. Is this the airbox off a later SuperSport model, or do all the airboxes say cb750F? The filter inside didn't look too bad, so I took the shop vac to it. Either way it was near impossible to fit that thing into the frame and even harder to get those boot thingies onto the carbs. When it was on there wasn't any noticeable improvement in the way it was running-maybe because the needles had been raised. If this is the wrong airbox I'm just going to stick it out with the velocity stacks.
I'm really at a loss here. At the rate I'm progressing I think I'm going to have to buy snow tires.