You guys are so punny it "hearse."
But seriously, I don't know why people are so scared of hearses. Dead bodies ain't nothin. They don't usually smell, even the smelly ones, because they're already embalmed. Unless they used them to pick up the smelly ones from unattended deaths. But we don't do that here, we all use minivans because they can fit in the parking structures (sometimes as low as 6'6"), and maneuver in tight areas because it's so crowded here.
I mean I guess if you genuinely believe in ghosts and hauntings and #$%*, I'm sure they're rife with paranormal activity. But the only creatures I run into are electrical gremlins. And that one time a stray dog jumped in the back while we were inside the house and and I didn't realize it until it started licking my ear from behind me.
In this business they always say: "it's not the dead you have to worry about, it's the living."
Recently I saw this movie, and I've become infatuated with Hearses all over again. I've always wanted one since I was a little kid, but this rekindled my love for all funeral service vehicles. Especially flower cars since I love utes.