I know I've posted this here before, but... well I just love to show off.
I went on a 1100km (700 mile) trip through the Canadian Rockies a couple of weeks ago on my 750A
She ran like a top the whole way, and I had fewer complaints than the guys on their new cruisers. (Mind you, I was wearing a kidney belt... and they laughed at me.... Who's laughing now!
Anyway, I thought the other 'matic fellows here might appreciate a few pics of one of our beasties being used for it's intended purpose... cruising!
This one is just arriving at Jasper National Park
Same spot, different angle
Along the Icefields parkway
Beautiful waterfall, same parkway.
Did I mention we did this trip in one day? Left town at 6 30 am, got back home at 11 30 pm. Rode the ENTIRE day. It was AWESOME.