Author Topic: Getting rid of cleaning chemicals.....  (Read 968 times)

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Offline DedHed

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Getting rid of cleaning chemicals.....
« on: August 10, 2011, 06:50:42 AM »
I just acquired a tank from a friend...
Out side is in good shape and the inside, well... who knows. Who ever did the coating job should stick to their day job......

So I have read many great suggestions on how to clean the tank from Chemical to Electrical all good stuff and makes sense to me.
I am going to opt for the MEK and acetone. One thing I did not see, perhaps I did not look hard enough, what does one do with the goop that I pour out of the tank?
Options I considered:

Pour it down the storm drain in front of the house... Naw, better not, we have lot's of little critters that I like having around.

Pour it off in to old metal paint buckets and leave it in the garage for the next generation to find one day.... Probably not....

Send to my friends in the UK so they can load it up in the their super-soakers and douse those looters... USPS probably won't take it.

Catch one of said critters in the back yard and dip it in the concoction and see if I can grow a mutant raccoon?

Maybe send it to Terry in AUS to keep those dingos from stealing babies?

Perhaps the best bet would be to call a local garage or shop and see what they do with their "Stuff"

Any other suggestions????
Thanks in advance....
CB750 K4

Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Getting rid of cleaning chemicals.....
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2011, 07:01:28 AM »
Do you have a hazardous waste disposal site within driving distance? If so, take it there.
We'll all be someone else's PO some day.

Offline sopo400f

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Re: Getting rid of cleaning chemicals.....
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2011, 03:51:57 AM »
Let most of it evaporate.Then put cat litter in to the remaining sludge and put into the trash......?
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