Thanks guys. I'm hoping it's the cables. I am going to try to reroute them today, but cable theory seems less likely to happen when the bike warms up. Granted, they could move while riding.
Phil, you lost me at the end there. I do have the push/pull, and it does have that little extra forward motion at the end, but I'm not sure which thumbwheel you are talking about.
King, I am trying to narrow down the symptoms, and when the occur. So far it's been tough. At this point I know:
the spring snaps back with no cables attached.
When cables first attached, seems to snap fine.
Rode the bike, and snap back seemed fine (I tested letting go of the throttle while riding).
After a short ride, it began to bind. Acted just like a cruise control. Let go of the throttle and it doesn't snap back. Saw this happen with both the throttle lever, and the link arms.