You're very welcome for the info! I've been going over wieseco's site with a fine toothed comb over the past few days to hunt down the rings for a wiseco 836 kit from the 80's. Turns out they've been using the same rings since then

Hah, I know the feeling on finding weird parts. I'm building a bitser bike, and it's a nightmare to ask for very specific parts for somewhat odd older bikes =P
And MC, I know what you mean totally. For the most part I'm okay with it because you can get everything from one place and put a face on a stack of parts. It's always a tradeoff I guess, because if the person you're buying from has no stock and a custom wants an item, it makes you look bad =P
And as a future tip, wiseco has Canadian rep you can order from (for the rest of us!) that has a lot of stuff in stock, and the american distributor is also really friendly. They sat down an measured an entire set of rings for me, before referring me to the Canadian rep for ordering!