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David shows one left in stock. Been happy with every thing I've bought from himhttp://www.davidsilverspares.co.uk/CB550K-1978-USA/
www.vintagebrake.com lists a ferrodo shoe for the 450/500/500/550 which, if the information above is correct should work. I've heard good things about their pads but perhaps a quick call to them will answer your questions.tony
Sorry, but you asked for better shoes, you were givin links to better shoes but they cost more, you get what you pay for, you want better shoes, pay for better shoes!
How about some feedback on different compundsw? I've seen organic, semi-metallic, ceramic? What's the scoop on each one? I would from auto experience go with the semi-metallic for stopping power but they wear out discs and drums faster. Ceramic are expensive but do they stop better? I've had organic disc pads but I find they squeal a bit more. Any other thoughts?
Xs When I asked what is was you didn't like I was refiring to your original post where you said they were horrible. would like to know what kind and what is was so other people don't make the same mistake.
Quote from: Duanob on August 10, 2011, 10:50:06 AMHow about some feedback on different compundsw? I've seen organic, semi-metallic, ceramic? What's the scoop on each one? I would from auto experience go with the semi-metallic for stopping power but they wear out discs and drums faster. Ceramic are expensive but do they stop better? I've had organic disc pads but I find they squeal a bit more. Any other thoughts?are we talking rear shoes or caliper pads?
I ordered these:http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/HONDA-CB500F-CB500K-CB550K-CB500T-REAR-BRAKE-SHOES-112-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem1e63f300f8QQitemZ130525888760QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessoriesand they just came in. I'll have a closer look at them tonight...I was already ordering something from the seller, so I thought I'd give these a shot as I'm on the verge of needing new shoes. Has anyone used brake parts from this seller before? This is the same guy who is selling the cheap 836 kits.