Author Topic: 1972 CB500 - renamed "The FrankenBike"  (Read 3160 times)

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Offline zackblack

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1972 CB500 - renamed "The FrankenBike"
« on: June 11, 2011, 04:42:22 PM »
Hey all

Brand new to the forums but not new to resurrecting old Honda Motorcycles.  I'm a little rusty though because  it's been about 18 years since I sold my last project (Ex-wife issues).

Anyway I acquired this bike (without title) for free as the last owner was going to scrap it. I'm working on a shoe-string budget but I'm trying to restore it to as close to factory (factory-look - I'm going to modernize the outdated electronics) as I can (minus paint - if a part is too rusty I clean it up and then paint it).

PS: Just to be clear this is NOT going to be a "cafe" project. :)

« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 07:44:52 AM by zackblack »
:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

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Re: 1972 CB500
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2011, 06:32:08 AM »
before you spend anytime on it, would get the title issue sorted first.
then begin fixing it up. brakes, carbs, suspension will need to be disassembled and rebuilt.
get some new tires and check the wheel bearings
also pull the oil pan, look for metal and check the primary chain for stretch.

Offline Greggo

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Re: 1972 CB500
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2011, 06:55:31 AM »
Another one saved from the scrapper!!

+1 on sorting the title issue first.  Have fun, and take lots of pictures to share (we like pichers ;) )

Offline zackblack

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Re: 1972 CB500
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2011, 07:52:53 AM »
Up here in Canada getting the title sorted out is a snap.   You need an affidavit from a JofP saying that you didn't steal it and that the previous owner is xxx and a bill of sale.  Go to the MTO with all of that and they give you a new ownership.

The carbs were beautiful - the PO had yanked them, rebuilt them and set them up then wrapped them in cloth and put them in his closet for 12 years (cloth was stuffed into the motor where the carbs go).  I just lubed them up and installed them!

I checked the oil - it looks like the PO had just changed the oil before storage, no metal flake or anything bad in it and it was still light golden in colour.  ( A phone call to the PO confirmed that the oil was changed before the bike was put away) - I'll be pulling the pan and filter soon and filling it up with new oil.

Yesterday I pulled the speedo and tach - The speedo cable is good and move freely but the tach cable is broken...

...another part to add to the buy list.

Some bad news - I went to pull a spark plug and the wire broke in my hand! (see first pic)  Have to get new wires now.

...another par to add to the buy list.

I installed the breather box properly today - one of the boots from the breather box to the carb is missing!

...another part to add to the buy list.

PS - to the person that suggested pulling the battery box to make breather box installation easier:  I am in your debt sir!  I can see why people install pods (ease of install) because I was daunted by how hard it was to install the breather box properly (obviously the PO was stymied as it was all just handing there) but then I saw the post here about removing the battery box and it turned a many hour job into something I hooked up in fifteen mins!

I'll be looking at the brakes and suspension next - thinking I'll probably be adding more parts to the buy list soon. :)

« Last Edit: June 12, 2011, 07:58:58 AM by zackblack »
:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

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Offline Greggo

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Re: 1972 CB500
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2011, 09:08:33 AM »
Pretty lucky to have had such a considerate PO.

Offline zackblack

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Re: 1972 CB500
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2011, 10:36:25 AM »
Pretty lucky to have had such a considerate PO.

I'll say!  It's one (four?) less thing that I have to do.  I think the PO was going to try and rebuild it when they got it but ran into cash flow problems, stored it and then forgot about it for twelve years.  They just had a death in the family and were cleaning up when they cam across the bike (along with 5-6 other "projects" that were just rusting away).

Went outside again today to look at a few things that were nagging at me:

1) The seat cover and foam are wrote off.  I'll have to get it redone.
2) Not only is the tail light missing it's cover but it looks like somebody tried to mickey-mouse a reflector and bulb into it - it's not attached in any real way except for some silicone.
3) The plastic housing for the headlight was cracked so I glued it...  It doesn't look exactly right and it also looks like somebody else had previously repaired it with fiberglass.  I think I might try to find a new one.

I'm seriously considering leds for replacement of most of the bulbs.  I've seen a few DIYs on this form that have doe it successfully....
..but that's after I get the dang thing to start :P

Oh and the mandatory pictures:
:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

"Observe the snow. It fornicates."

Offline zackblack

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Re: 1972 CB500
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2011, 05:39:26 PM »
Did the PO look like this guy?  He seems to always have cash flow problems. ;)

No but I kinda do (and I use tons of "handyman secret weapon") :P

So I went out to do a few extra bits:

I pulled off the front fender and took the nuts off to remove the front wheel.  The fender looks like it's in good shape - I just need to sand and paint it.

Some good news - The front tire is sweet!  No cracks, no splits and tons of rubber!  Anybody that says Dunlop tires stink is wrong - the front wheel sat in a drafty barn 3/4 inflated for twelve years and is still cherry!

I ripped apart the front brakes - wow what a mess!

I had to use liquid wrench and a hammer to get the one pad out.  The bleed nipple is rusted solid and the hard line connector is also rusted solid.  I'm kinda stymied at this point as I've never taken brakes like this apart before (other than changing pads) and I don't know where to go from here.

Here comes the mandatory pictures (check out the rust on that one pad):

:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

"Observe the snow. It fornicates."

Offline zackblack

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Re: 1972 CB500
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2011, 01:24:53 AM »
Um, that tire may look good but I'm sure the rubber is rock hard and once you pressurize it and try to ride on it cracks will develop and the tread will separate..... :o

As far as where to go next, you need to go here:
and download the CB500 Shop Manual and the Honda Common Service Manual.  ;)

I don't know about riding on it but it's semi-soft right now (because I don't want to take it off when I paint the rim) but firmed right up when I added air to it without any cracks...
I guess time will tell.

Grabbed all of the service manuals already ... thanks for the thought though!
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 01:38:45 AM by zackblack »
:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

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Offline zackblack

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Re: 1972 CB500
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2011, 01:37:10 AM »
I had to make some big decisions - I've found out that half the parts on my "classic" Honda are aftermarket or "kit-bashed"!

So I've decide to turn the bike into a totally custom job.  It still won't be "cafe" style as I won't be chopping the frame But I'll be changing out the blinkers, chopping the fenders, changing out the tail light and doing some other cosmetic (and cheep!) changes!

Yesterday I picked up a new headlight bucket - I got it used for ten bux - so I could stop messing with the one the PO had glued and re-glued!

I had to cut the headlight wings off of the forks as they were ultra rusty and stuck on.  I was going to buy some aftermarket wings but after doing a couple of searches on the internet I decided to make something up myself.

Today I started re-wiring -

The wires from both controls needed lots of work.  As-is they would have shorted out and sparked so i fixed them up with some good wire, solder and heat-shrink tubing.  I'm extending everything to connect under the seat because the mess in the headlight bucket always bugged me.

Phone is dead so when it re-charges I'll post pics.
:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

"Observe the snow. It fornicates."

Offline fantino

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Re: 1972 CB500
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2011, 03:02:02 AM »
If you haven't figured out how to get that bleed nipple out yet, here's what worked for me:

secure the caliper in a vice and heat the nipple up with a propane torch until it glows cherry red and get a wrench on it ASAP. I had to work fast and do it a couple times with one of the calipers I worked on, but when that thing was hot, it turned like it was threaded into butter!

Offline zackblack

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Re: 1972 CB500
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2011, 06:10:13 PM »
Thanks for the tip - Heat and a box wrench got it out.  I also got my piston out using the grease gun method and boy is it pitted!  I'm glad I decided to grab a spare that was offered to me by another member!  (I have some parts waiting for me to pick them up).
Here are some pics:

« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 06:12:55 PM by zackblack »
:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

"Observe the snow. It fornicates."

Offline zackblack

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Re: 1972 CB500 - remaned "The FrankenBike"
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2011, 11:20:31 AM »
Pulled off the front forks because of some surface rust that was under the headlight wings.  I was worried that they might be compromised.  They are still solid but need lots of rust removal.
Looks like I'll be painting the tops.  ;)

I cut the front fender and ground the rust off.  Time for a paint job.  ;)
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 05:38:30 PM by zackblack »
:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

"Observe the snow. It fornicates."

Offline zackblack

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Re: 1972 CB500 - remaned "The FrankenBike"
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2011, 05:40:41 PM »
Tried some Electrolysis rust removal in my tank today.  Seems to be working out ok.  I also removed the bad cover and padding from my seat.  Lots of rust on the pan...  Not entirely sure what to do about it...
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 05:43:41 PM by zackblack »
:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

"Observe the snow. It fornicates."

Offline Greggo

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Re: 1972 CB500 - remaned "The FrankenBike"
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2011, 08:24:25 PM »
Sandblast it.

Offline zackblack

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Re: 1972 CB500 - remaned "The FrankenBike"
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2011, 08:01:33 AM »
Sandblast it.

I think I'm going to have to setup a DIY sandblasting setup because lots of the parts could use a sandblasting.

A note on the Electrolysis:  I don't know if I'm using enough voltage or what but there is still tons of junk in the bottom of my tank after 8+ hours of
:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

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Re: 1972 CB500 - remaned "The FrankenBike"
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2011, 08:09:18 AM »
you can make a cheap sandblasting setup. I did with an old kitchen cabinet and some harbor freight parts.  But that pan would take a long time. I would buy some "prep and etch" from home depot. its essestially muriatic acid and makes rust dissapear. soak a towel with the acid and wrap up the pan, the next morning will be like christmas.
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Offline zackblack

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Re: 1972 CB500 - remaned "The FrankenBike"
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2011, 01:55:06 PM »
you can make a cheap sandblasting setup. I did with an old kitchen cabinet and some harbor freight parts.  But that pan would take a long time. I would buy some "prep and etch" from home depot. its essestially muriatic acid and makes rust dissapear. soak a towel with the acid and wrap up the pan, the next morning will be like christmas.

Prep n Etch sounds like a plan!  Does it work good on all rusted parts?
:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

"Observe the snow. It fornicates."

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Re: 1972 CB500 - remaned "The FrankenBike"
« Reply #17 on: June 27, 2011, 06:40:01 PM »
I used  a wire wheel,on my seat pan and for many other parts

,only problem being is you get a few wires flying around,so safety glasses a must..and I used an old shower curtain to keep the flying bits centralized
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Offline zackblack

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Re: 1972 CB500 - remaned "The FrankenBike"
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2011, 10:07:13 PM »
Thanks to Tom here on the forums I am that much closer to finishing the "Frankenbike"!  :D

I'll post some pics tomorrow after I get the new parts on.
:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

"Observe the snow. It fornicates."

Offline zackblack

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Re: 1972 CB500 - remaned "The FrankenBike"
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2011, 07:44:28 AM »
As promised here is "FrankenBike" so far:
:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

"Observe the snow. It fornicates."

Offline zackblack

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Re: 1972 CB500 - renamed "The FrankenBike"
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2011, 01:11:59 PM »
Just another shot of my front end with the new speedo, tach and Garmin GPS installed:

:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

"Observe the snow. It fornicates."

Offline zackblack

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Re: 1972 CB500 - renamed "The FrankenBike"
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2011, 04:23:38 PM »
Went to see a guy about recovering my seat.  I got a "good news - bad news" when I talked to recovering guy.

Bad news - Because of the metal pan and the condition it was going to be $200+ to recover the seat

Good news - Turns out the guy is an old family friend.  He had a Harley-Davidson seat that was paid for and never picked up... he gave it to me!

Here is a shot of the "FrankenBike" with it's new seat:
:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

"Observe the snow. It fornicates."

Offline zackblack

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Re: 1972 CB500 - renamed "The FrankenBike"
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2011, 02:55:23 PM »

I finally figured out all my major problems, charged my battery up to full, threw some fule in the tank and hit the start button...


...she started right up!

Now I just have to figure out the fiddly bits before I can take her for a cruse.

Thanks to everybody who helped me out on this build.

Some things I learned with this build:

1) Even though a fellow hasn't wrenched on a SOHC for 20 years he still remembers how to do it!
2) The best tools a hobbyist can have in their toolbox is patience and the internet (especially this forum)
3) Straight pipes are LOUD!  ;D

« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 07:32:39 PM by zackblack »
:) If I ask a question and forget to post model and year my bike is a '72 CB500 :)

kaniktshaq moritlkatsio atsuniartoq: Umingmaktormiut dialect.

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Re: 1972 CB500 - renamed "The FrankenBike"
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2011, 06:45:52 PM »
straight pipes are loud but you cant beat the sound...i have drag pipes on my 71 cb500 and i LOVE it...