After getting a couple of nasty viruses a while back, I decided to try, first, Firefox and then Chrome. Firefox was OK but there was something about it I didn't like (can't even remember now...), so I went to Chrome.
Chrome was great!...for a while. It had become intolerably slow and crashed all the time. Web pages become unresponsive, scripts are not compatible or stop running, Shockwave crashed on a daily basis. My computer would get so slow it was all b t unusable. I could even hear the hard drive running while nothing happened, or happened s l o o o w l y . It also would not remember my username and/or password on several sites/forums I belong to.
No amount of updates, file cleaning, scans, re-starts, defrags, cache' cleaning, etc. would help. The ONLY thing that helped was re-starting the computer. It would run great again....for a day or maybe three, then start all over.
Today, I went back to IE. I guess I'll take my chances on the viruses in exchange for a faster, more pleasant browsing experience.
Two questions, though:
1) How can I be sure I don't get a virus again? I don't go anywhere that I shouldn't...meaning those really nasty, freaky websites that all but guarantee you a virus....and I run AVG, MalwareBytes and CC Cleaner.
2) While running CC Cleaner after the restart this morning, a balloon popped up and told me to "Exit Google Chrome or the sweeping process will be skipped". I did NOT uninstall Chrome, just in case they ever fix all the faults and I wanted to give it another shot. I DID make IE my preferred browser. Why ids CC Cleaner recognizing Chrome? Do I need to completely uninstall it?