Author Topic: 1975 CB550F College Budget Project  (Read 12807 times)

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Offline chronic_rider_550

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Re: 1975 CB550F College Budget Project
« Reply #25 on: July 20, 2011, 07:10:40 AM »
If the battery worked in the morning then was dead in the evening you have (a) a short that drained the power or (b) a bad battery.

(a) seems unlikely with the simple electrical system we have, no clocks or computers to run the battery down, but it's easy enough to test, obviously you need a battery with a charge on it, then just connect an ammeter or multimeter set to measure amps in series between the + terminal and the battery cable and look for a negative draw. (b) is possible, I have had new batteries die almost immediately. Take it to the dealer and have them test it. Auto Zone or Pep Boys might be able to do this too.

Thank you, I'm going to check that out this weekend. I am officially moving into my fiance's house and she has a garage so I will be able to work on my bike more frequently. And I'll be able to figure this out this weekend.

Simple check on the charger:

Check the voltage with the bike idling, then rev it. Voltage should jump and return when going back to idle.

Exact voltages are not available off the top of my head, I am sure they are somewhere on the site...

Also,when I first got my bike, same year and model, I tended to turn the key "UP" to remove it, not down.

That results in the tail light being on, which will run the battery down.

Had to kick start it a few times from that boneheaded move!

PS, I have the 500 labeled 4-4  exhaust as well
PPS: Chicago has a vibrant cafe racer scene from what I hear. I bet you could get some hands on experience on the bike out there.

I will also end up checking all this just to see. I think I have found the voltage somewhere around this forum so I will just have to use my favorite thing the search function.
The 4 into 4 exhaust was cool, I liked it a lot, but the holes in the exhaust were frustrating to I moved on to that 4 into 1 and I couldn't have gotten a better deal. I was also forced to buy(at least that what I tell my fiance) rear sets because my rear brake would not work with the new exhaust. And secondly, yea there are a lot of people with cafe racers in chicago. The hard part is really meeting people that are nice. Maybe I've been exposed to the wrong people but everyone I've talked to or tried to talk to is kind of an #$%*. I mean don't get me wrong I'm 100% sure there are some awesome people in Chicago riding, I just haven't met that many.

Either way. Thanks for the advice guys! Anything helps at this time.


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Re: 1975 CB550F College Budget Project
« Reply #26 on: July 22, 2011, 11:32:19 PM »
uh not to be a nut but these bikes have a notorious problem of the advancer freezing up it is under the points plate and even if you have electronic ignition it will still be there use pb blaster if it is stuck also advise using a timing light you should see the advance mark in the timing window at about 2500-3000 rpm using the light.  if not and it is the f mark then the advancer is stuck you will have to pull the plate and hit it with penetrating oil and gentle persuasion to free it be carefull  not to break the advance arms  (gentle) also on this site you will find the manual for this bike download it and pour through it there is one other contributing factor if your slow jets are cruddy it wont top out but im betting on the advancer
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Re: 1975 CB550F College Budget Project
« Reply #27 on: July 23, 2011, 08:24:31 AM »
 As for the exhaust....are you SURE your bike was originally an F model and not a K model? That's a stock CB550F header with an aftermarket muffler welded on. The F's had a slightly different frame/pedal mount arrangement. If you try to mount the F header on a K frame, you get pretty much the interference issues you're having.
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Offline Aladinsane07

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Re: 1975 CB550F College Budget Project
« Reply #28 on: July 24, 2011, 12:59:30 AM »
^  I was thinking the same thing.  I don't know if the tank and sidecovers are original, but they don't appear to be F items.

Cool bike either way.  Keep at it, man.

Offline chronic_rider_550

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Re: 1975 CB550F College Budget Project
« Reply #29 on: July 24, 2011, 05:34:41 PM »
Well. I'm not 100% sure actually because on the Title is says 1975 Honda CB550F and not K. I mean it could be I haven't looked too much into it. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was a K.

Also, couple things got fixed. I fixed the problem with not being able to top out. I just rebuilt my carbs with a carb kit and BAM I was hitting those tops speeds again. Great feeling for sure. Also bought some rear sets and will be installing those this following weekend, or in the following weeks once I move into my fiance's place. The exhaust is an F exhaust, just confirmed that from the guy's father I bought it from. The guy I bought it from(aka one of my good friends) wasn't sure what exhaust it was and just gave it too me for 50 bucks. I was just talking with his dad and he said it came off a CB550F. So knowing that the K model has a problem with the F exhaust it must mean that my bike is a model K. Which is nice because I have been wondering and been calling it a F model but not really knowing what it was. Thanks for everyone's help! Also and update with the bike. I broke my kick start pedal. So I bought a new one. and that will be in at the end of the week. And now she wont start. I bought a new battery and nothing. She just wont start at all. I have slow charged the battery, and right when I put the battery in, I try to start it and nothing happens. I can't kick it over, and it won't start with the electric start. Not too sure what is going on here, but once I get it in the garage and start tearin her down I'm sure i'll figure it out.

Thank you everyone for checkin out my build. I'll be updating more within the coming weeks with the new upholstered seat I'm going to start working on, and the new tank, side covers and everything else. So hopefully this baby will look real nice and clean in the upcoming months!



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Offline chronic_rider_550

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Re: 1975 CB550F College Budget Project
« Reply #30 on: August 05, 2011, 05:44:17 AM »
I'm going to try and take some pictures today. I'm sanding down my new tank as we speak. I don't have an electric sander so I am doing it by hang. I'm taking it down to the metal and then clear coating the metal. I'm pretty excited about this. I had a problem with my battery and I found out that part of my wiring harness had melted against my new exhaust so I cut that out and rewired everything up. I received my new kick starter in the mail yesterday and I will be putting that on tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to take her out tonight and ride around after I put everything back together. Pictures will come soon I promise!

------Update-----(pictures as promised)

New Tank

In the next week I will be building and upholstering a new seat. I will also be building new side covers as well as sanding down the gas tank. I will take progress shots as I go.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 11:35:23 AM by chronic_rider_550 »

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Offline terryjennings

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Re: 1975 CB550F College Budget Project
« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2011, 12:15:06 PM »
I hate to bust your bubble, but this is not an "f" model. It's a "K", unless you've changed the tank and a lot of other parts. Don't mean to be picky, but there are a lot of differences so you have to be careful when ordering stock parts.

Offline chronic_rider_550

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Re: 1975 CB550F College Budget Project
« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2011, 08:52:38 PM »
I hate to bust your bubble, but this is not an "f" model. It's a "K", unless you've changed the tank and a lot of other parts. Don't mean to be picky, but there are a lot of differences so you have to be careful when ordering stock parts.

thanks man. Yea I appreciate the input. I had the original manual that came with the bike and it never specified and I did a decent amount of research but never turned up anything specific. I kinda thought it was a K model but wasn't too sure. It's all good though still a sweet bike!

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Offline chronic_rider_550

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Re: 1975 CB550F College Budget Project
« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2011, 07:02:56 PM »
So this passed week I've been pretty busy. I spent about 18 hours sanding my new gas tank with a good friend back home in kansas. Then his dad clear coated it for me. I also built a seat. And painted my side covers. Here are some pictures of how everything looks. It looks a lot different!

The seat doesn't fit perfectly so I will be making another seat in the future, one that fits better and is a little more comfortable. Either way I think it turned out pretty good for my first seat ever made. I did everything. Made it and upholstered it. I like it.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2011, 07:06:00 PM by chronic_rider_550 »

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Re: 1975 CB550F College Budget Project
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2011, 08:07:55 PM »
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Offline chronic_rider_550

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Re: 1975 CB550F College Budget Project
« Reply #35 on: August 15, 2011, 08:52:08 PM »
I like them a lot! I need to adjust them a for the riding position but once I adjust them and get them dialed in they will be better but I do have to say I think they look good, and they are well made!

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Offline Gibblet

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Re: 1975 CB550F College Budget Project
« Reply #36 on: August 15, 2011, 09:58:33 PM »
do you have one of your push pull cables above your brake lever and one below it?
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Offline chronic_rider_550

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Re: 1975 CB550F College Budget Project
« Reply #37 on: August 16, 2011, 05:40:59 AM »
Yes. Yes I do. That would be my quick fix on needing to replace both the push/pull cables but not having enough money to do so. If they are in any other position it's almost impossible to pull the throttle. I'm pretty sure they are the original cables. I'm planning on getting new ones asap, when money comes in.

"Faster, faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death."  ~Hunter Thompson

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