Retro Rocket - I'm starting to think you can't read so I'll make it as simple as possible for you. The education statement was directed at 2 individuals that made false derogatory statements about the bike.I could care less if anyone likes it but will not let false statements go unchallenged. You chimed in and started ranting & misinterpreting everything. Every time you post on here you validate everything I say because people clearly see what your up to.. For example - I never said I was a young guy on this site. Go back & read it again. You think insults & opinions are the same thing. I don't hide behind a fake name.
Before you go misquoting me mate maybe you should learn to read....You used the young guy as an example, i said it was a poor example , that doesn't happen here and is in no way similar to an established builder. I haven't insulted anything , just pointed out what i thought, you interpret that as an insult and continue to add arrogant remarks....
I haven't misrepresented anything, your interpretation is warped because you handle criticism or others opinions poorly.... Get over it, i don't like what you built regardless of how well it was built, you probably won't like mine either , i couldn't care less and won't then start sounding off about my abilities or history.
We're a well recognised company with an email that's easily excessable. I'm getting emails from all over the world from people that have been watching this little conversation & they think a few of you are an embarrassment to this site. According to them you pull this #$%* on a regular basis. We are well known on the corporate side of the industry & that's where most of it is coming from. They don't want their company names in a mudslinging contest. You're like the village idiot that everyone tolerates because you amuse everyone. You haven't said 1 positive thing yet. And 1 more thing - We aren't f.....n mates..
Mate what a load of bull#$%* and once again, i couldn't care less. Yes there are guys here i don't see eye too, so what, you can't please everyone all the time, i also have some very good friends here that i never had previously and your insulting attitude is just sour grapes. I just love how you guys that don't get your own way resort to name calling and other childish crap just to push your over inflated ego's.... Piss poor effort for a "business man"....
And for Greg, i haven't slammed anyone, i just don't like the bike and have every right to express that, so have others....
You lot are just reading into this way to much, I don't like that bike, so what....