Since California's on fire, let's go with something opposite.
Your bike with a snowman. Doesn't matter if it's made of snow even, so long as it looks like a snowman - signs are fine as well.
And size doesn't matter - NO LAUGHING - can be a wee little snowman since it's early in the season.
Really? I changed apple cider to accommodate desert dwellers and you go with snowman?
For what it's worth, before I moved to AZ I lived on the edge of the Mojave desert near a place called Apple Valley, CA. As near as anyone knows, the name was adopted by land developers, hoping to make the area more attractive sounding to potential buyers. I never saw a single apple tree the 11 years I lived there.
On the other hand, due to the elevation, I did get more than enough snow to build a snowman more than once.