Two years ago, in the state of New Hampshire a legend was born.
While working on a 1974 CB750 with some buddies our attention was
drawn to the police scanner....
*everything is paraphrased as I don't recall the exact wording from 2 years ago....
Police scanner conversation:
Speeder on a large Suzuki is heading heading south on Route 12,
riding on his back wheel,
speed on radar 115mph
my location is parking lot of The Summit Restuarant*
---Do you have a description?
Rider is helmeted with black helmet,
blue motorcycle,
brown jacket,
-----license plate number?
Starting pursuit.
Lights , siren on.
Speeder is accelurating,
speed is now 140mph,
155 mph,
165 mph,
can not keep up...
---Please be advised to break off pursuit.
Breaking off pursuit.
Will start checking major sideroads as I am
now in the Westmoreland straight-away.
after Keene dump and see no sign of speeder.
---affirmative, officiers on the way.
---Major intersetions at Route 101 are being monitored.
---Please stand by.
----Walpole Keene have been apprised of situation.
Speeder not found at dump.
---State Police, Keene NH apprised of situation
(at this point we were all cheering him on, and opened some more beers while my cb750 called for attention)
---State Police Rockingham apprised of situation.
---Road block set up on NH/VT lines in Westminster, Bellows Falls, Walpole, Keene, Brattleboro, Hinsdale
---Local police departments of Bellows Falls, Walpole, Keene, Chesterfield, Brattleboro, Hinsdale, Claremont, be on
lookout for loud blue Suzuki, non-stock exhaust system, rider description will follow....
(well for 2 hours we listened as more and more police departments in a widening area were notified of this evil man. He was again
clocked at speeds of 160mph + twice in the area. He was never caught)
(want my opinion? I think what the heck, he was just having fun cruising around, harming no one and the roads at that hour were
vertually deserted. No one was harmed. I've done those speeds and I probably would have done the same thing, as to get caught means jail time and I don't like jails.)
(met the rider yesterday. He is a nice guy with a family now, so he's slowed down and sold the 1100 Suzuki.)