Author Topic: Tracking cars, dogs are YOU next?  (Read 709 times)

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Offline 74cb750

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Tracking cars, dogs are YOU next?
« on: August 26, 2011, 02:58:40 AM »
Hi All,
to me it seems rather scary that peple will allow Progressive Ins. Co. to place recording/transmitting devices on their cars so the squid can get a lower rate IF they obey the speed limits.

Dogs can have RIFD tags inserted into them.

People can be next. It is not that big a logical jump,
we all do have Social Security numbers right? And
you can't do anything without that #.

Can you say BIG BROTHER is watching you?

What brought this on you may be asking yourself.

Well, seems our esteemed senator from Vermont has introduced legislation to allow
ANY USA policing agency to monitor all tracking info on the cell phones you all have.
I don' have one as I think they're evil  :D
(and none of them work within 6 milies of my house because of the hills, valleys
and dales) 8)

My reaction to all this is:
All senators and congressmen should not be re-elected as they are out-of-touch with
reality and have ALL been in office too long.

Funny though, how we all seem to keep putting them back in office because Sen. X,
is good for state X huh? (where X = Your senator or your state)


PS, I am NOT paranoid, I just sometimes get a bout of epistemophia.
Laugh at least once a day.
Life  $ucks, then you die.
You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.
God forces us to live with  non-believers to test our resolve.

Offline dave500

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Re: Tracking cars, dogs are YOU next?
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2011, 05:35:13 AM »
big brother bothers you?our boss is putting up cameras where we work,motion activated hard drive recording ones,thats at the shed from where we depart driving rubbish trucks,,were on the road so the next step would be truck tracking that needs a subscription?our boss works from home with a two way radio,,we have no boss at the shed,no clock punch card,no second in command,just us,and it works,and has worked in my nine years,we dont need to be told to jump or start work and my boss respects that,the next longest guy is 6 years,followed by 3 years and after that we always have the turn over of one year to two months guys who dont know when theyre on a good thing,,i dont know why he wants these cameras for?theres nothing to steal like stock,we aint there during the day apart from a welder who repairs rubbish bins and drives sometimes?i joked we should take a photo of the yard and place it in front of the camera,,or all of us stand still in motion like manaquins and fool him?a little water ingress might help.

Offline brycegp

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Re: Tracking cars, dogs are YOU next?
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2011, 09:06:13 AM »

People can be next. It is not that big a logical jump,
we all do have Social Security numbers right? And
you can't do anything without that #.

Can you say BIG BROTHER is watching you?

I am not a Bible beater...but all this technology may be leading to what the bible predicted thousands of years ago. 

Mark of the Beast- The Mark of the Beast is a concept from the Book of Revelation of the New Testament of the Christian Bible and it does have demonic implications.   However, for sake of this argument ignore the biblical and/or demonic inference an just focus on the concept.  And consider, can our society really be moving toward mass monitoring and regulation of its population?? 

According to the bible the mark of the beast is this. "...all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark...” Revelation 13:16-17

Could "the mark" be a monitoring chip...RF chip...some unique IDing system where all our personal information is immediately available to the state / authorities??  ...even retailers will use it to access our bank accounts for purchasing items??

Could the bible have at least predicted THIS correctly???  Even an atheist should view this "prediction" as remarkable...if in fact it ends up happening.  Companies are already researching implants for POP (point of purchase) scanners.  Guess where they are saying the ideal point of implant would be!!!

The wrist OR the forehead...
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 09:08:42 AM by brycegp »
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