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Yep. 40 bucks for a set.... except I can't find a vendor with spokes for a 77/78 750 REAR wheel, which is 17 inch .... looked all over e-bay.......... anyone ?
did you try Honda ?
But are Honda's SS?
90 bux for 80 OEM pcs is pretty reasonable IMO
How is the fit? do they lay in place right or do you have to force them over to the hole. Butted or double butted should be a lot stronger..
Quote from: 754 on August 19, 2011, 08:28:42 AM90 bux for 80 OEM pcs is pretty reasonable IMOThats what I was thinking. $80 bucks versus $220 for SS from Bucanons.
Yup, go to the pre-packaged section. $214.48 for front and rear spokes. Stainless with stainless nipples. Thats doesn't include shipping and handling.http://www.buchananspokes.net/products/spoke_kits_honda_cb.asp