What exhaust is on it?
as mentioned, unmarked 4 into 2, age, brand and provenance unknown.
Are all the head pipes hot, both at idle and with the throttle opened a bit?
i'll check that out, but i think the answer is yes. i guess i should get one f those point-and-measure thermometers....
Have any of the jets been drilled to a larger size?
Have the mains emulsion tubes been cleaned?
i bought carb rebuild kits and replaced the mains and pilot jets, and airscrews, and the float bowl valve but did not mess with the long needle jets because i wasn't sure how to replace those. which are the "mains emulsion tubes?"
The pilot/slow/idle jet S/B #38, screws in next to the main carb post casting where the main and emulsion tube lives.
got it, thanks, that was replaced with the carb rebuild kit, i assume its the stock #38.
Remove the bolts between filter box and plenum box so the plenum box will drop down in the frame. Also, take the bolts off the filter box so it will push back. Makes it easier to pull install carbs.
i've been pulling teh whole airbox and battery holder to get teh airbox in place, which seems to make things easier, but i'll try your method, if it works for me that would be much less hassle.
The jet needle is attached to the slide. Also called the Throttle Valve, it moves with the twist grip.
how is the jet needle replaced and/or adjusted? the manuals i've looked at are very confusing on this point.
You should have no trouble getting to 90 MPH in 13.9 seconds. Some will do 100 indicated, kind of depends on speedometer accuracy, tire sizes, etc. Big tires slow the bike down some. Stock top speed was measured at 98.77 MPH actual @8072 RPM
Assuming you have stock size sprockets. 17 F / 37R
i have the stock sprocket sizes.
i feel like i should go back to teh 100 main jet size and adjust the jet needle. This afternoon i performed a plug chop, pulling the right hand plug and it looked good -- not fouled, a little on the lean side, if anything.
i'm no carb tuner. the thing was running great from 0 to 80mph woth the stock #100 main jets, its running about the same now, maybe a little slower with #110s. i juts need that extra power on the top end it should have. its not fun trying to keep up with traffic on teh expressway when you want to make a quick pass and everyone's at 80mph, i've got nowhere to go.....