Author Topic: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild COMPLETED!!!  (Read 14365 times)

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Offline filipo

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Re: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild COMPLETED!!!
« Reply #50 on: December 11, 2011, 11:20:15 AM »
Maybe a little OT, but -- how did you get your head surface so damn clean? I've been at my lingering gasket gunk for a while now, not much luck...

Offline WarwickE36

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Re: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild :( WITH VIDEO
« Reply #51 on: December 12, 2011, 06:03:48 AM »
Filipo, if you read the whole thread I talked about it briefly with another member,  here are the tools I used.  An air compressor and a right angle die grinder are necessary for this setup.  Good Luck, its a breeze with the right tools.


and this

both on a pneumatic right angle die grinder  ;D  make sure to get discs for aluminum!  and go easy rpms with the grinder are not your friend.  That being said, the gaskets come off really quick.
" Why does anyone get offended by what someone does to their own bike? I dont get it. "

You made me think about it after I cheered knowing someone else would like to know what these control freaks are up to.
 Every time any owner strips whatever precious Honda part the horrified purists parts go up in value. That's not the part that bothers them.
 What bothers them is they sat up late at night, their breast full of wonder and estrogen, unable to sleep, dreaming about their lovely darling and all her glory... and next thing you know someone else doesn't share their emotional deluge and their reaction is they must spread their mind museum as far as they possibly can, taking over as much of the real world as possible.

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1974 Cb550 with style
2004 SV650s

Offline filipo

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Re: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild COMPLETED!!!
« Reply #52 on: December 12, 2011, 07:50:31 AM »
Ah, I did see that, sorry for the repeat! Did you strip the cases yourself, or have them done elsewhere?

Again, nice work!

Offline WarwickE36

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Re: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild COMPLETED!!!
« Reply #53 on: December 12, 2011, 12:06:26 PM »
I split the cases myself, along with everything else.  Certainly a bare bones rebuild but I got in done VERY quickly.  My big piece of advice is to get everything rubber/gasket before you even get started if time is of the essence to you.  I got my rebuild done in less than 2 week, most of the time was spent waiting for parts to show up.  Its not that difficult a task, just bag and tag bolts so you know what goes where.  I like getting a set of big and small zip-lock bags and use a sharpie to note what goes where. 

Thanks for the kind words and good luck with your build.
" Why does anyone get offended by what someone does to their own bike? I dont get it. "

You made me think about it after I cheered knowing someone else would like to know what these control freaks are up to.
 Every time any owner strips whatever precious Honda part the horrified purists parts go up in value. That's not the part that bothers them.
 What bothers them is they sat up late at night, their breast full of wonder and estrogen, unable to sleep, dreaming about their lovely darling and all her glory... and next thing you know someone else doesn't share their emotional deluge and their reaction is they must spread their mind museum as far as they possibly can, taking over as much of the real world as possible.

Drink fast, drive slow, but ride it like you stole it

1974 Cb550 with style
2004 SV650s

Offline filipo

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Re: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild COMPLETED!!!
« Reply #54 on: December 12, 2011, 01:21:49 PM »
Strip or split the cases yourself? Or both?

Thanks for the advice. I'm looking forward to this winter!

Offline WarwickE36

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Re: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild COMPLETED!!!
« Reply #55 on: December 13, 2011, 05:12:01 AM »
Split them myself, and media blasted them myself as well.  I did the ENTIRE rebuild myself. 
" Why does anyone get offended by what someone does to their own bike? I dont get it. "

You made me think about it after I cheered knowing someone else would like to know what these control freaks are up to.
 Every time any owner strips whatever precious Honda part the horrified purists parts go up in value. That's not the part that bothers them.
 What bothers them is they sat up late at night, their breast full of wonder and estrogen, unable to sleep, dreaming about their lovely darling and all her glory... and next thing you know someone else doesn't share their emotional deluge and their reaction is they must spread their mind museum as far as they possibly can, taking over as much of the real world as possible.

Drink fast, drive slow, but ride it like you stole it

1974 Cb550 with style
2004 SV650s

Offline filipo

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Re: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild COMPLETED!!!
« Reply #56 on: December 13, 2011, 08:12:46 AM »
Nice. That makes it look even better, man. Thanks for the reply.

Offline Lostboy Steve

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Re: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild :(
« Reply #57 on: December 13, 2011, 10:02:58 AM »
They do not come in the kit.

I am stuck waiting for them to show up in the mail, so order them too.

GOOD INFO! I am getting ready to reassemble my own 550 and I didnt even think to check if they were in the kit. Gotta get ordering them.
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Offline Lostboy Steve

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Re: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild :( WITH VIDEO
« Reply #58 on: December 13, 2011, 10:07:20 AM »
I really like the color.
1968 Honda Z50
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Offline dave500

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Re: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild COMPLETED!!!
« Reply #59 on: December 13, 2011, 12:03:40 PM »
good on ya warwick,ride and enjoy,with the wind in your floppy ears.

Offline WarwickE36

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Re: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild COMPLETED!!!
« Reply #60 on: December 13, 2011, 12:41:36 PM »
haha I am finding it funny that this thread was brought back up...this bike hasn't been ridden since September  ::)  Its very jealous of the sv650s ... next summer I will be insuring both bikes again.  As you were fellas
" Why does anyone get offended by what someone does to their own bike? I dont get it. "

You made me think about it after I cheered knowing someone else would like to know what these control freaks are up to.
 Every time any owner strips whatever precious Honda part the horrified purists parts go up in value. That's not the part that bothers them.
 What bothers them is they sat up late at night, their breast full of wonder and estrogen, unable to sleep, dreaming about their lovely darling and all her glory... and next thing you know someone else doesn't share their emotional deluge and their reaction is they must spread their mind museum as far as they possibly can, taking over as much of the real world as possible.

Drink fast, drive slow, but ride it like you stole it

1974 Cb550 with style
2004 SV650s

Offline VTCBike750

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Re: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild COMPLETED!!!
« Reply #61 on: December 30, 2011, 09:02:46 AM »
Just curious, what paint did you use on the engine? Dupli-color, VHT, or something else?

Looks great!

1972 CB750 (current project)

Offline WarwickE36

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Re: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild COMPLETED!!!
« Reply #62 on: December 30, 2011, 12:50:44 PM »
It was Duplicolor engine enamel.  I believe they called it graphite.  I was a little disappointed as the can cap matched pretty closely that of their brand wheel paint, but once I did the motor fully I realized they didn't match as well as I had hoped.  It did come out nice though.  If I were to do it again I would probably go all black.  But I'm not pulling the motor to paint it again :) ... Thanks for the compliments, good luck with your build.
" Why does anyone get offended by what someone does to their own bike? I dont get it. "

You made me think about it after I cheered knowing someone else would like to know what these control freaks are up to.
 Every time any owner strips whatever precious Honda part the horrified purists parts go up in value. That's not the part that bothers them.
 What bothers them is they sat up late at night, their breast full of wonder and estrogen, unable to sleep, dreaming about their lovely darling and all her glory... and next thing you know someone else doesn't share their emotional deluge and their reaction is they must spread their mind museum as far as they possibly can, taking over as much of the real world as possible.

Drink fast, drive slow, but ride it like you stole it

1974 Cb550 with style
2004 SV650s

Offline VTCBike750

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Re: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild COMPLETED!!!
« Reply #63 on: December 30, 2011, 08:50:48 PM »
Hey Warwick,
Do you think its possible to use the 3m roloc discs and 3m rubber gasket removers on a dremel, or are they too big? Maybe a drill?

Also how'd you end up fixing the clutch contacting the shift detent bracket? Rubber mallet and cursing, or did you have to break out the hatchet?

1972 CB750 (current project)

Offline WarwickE36

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Re: Well, its time.... for a end of summer motor rebuild COMPLETED!!!
« Reply #64 on: January 01, 2012, 01:02:38 PM »
Without checking I would say that the 3m disc shafts are too big to fit a dremel.  That being said I could be wrong.  A good cordless drill would accept the shank though.  I have never tried it on a drill however and would be surprised if the RPMs would be high enough to do much damage to those sticky ass bastard gaskets.  If you have access to a compressor, a cheapo right angle grinder will be your best friend. 

As for the clutch basket issue,  I barked at it, looked at it some more, growled at it, drank a beer out of my water bowl, took a nap, then put it back together, checked the clearance and said #$%* it.  It hasnt been making any noise since the rebuild.  Its possible a bearing was worn enough to allow contact, but I could never find a worn bearing or anything else that would have caused the contact.  Long story short I dont know the cause but it seems to have fixed itself, at least for now.  I made sure all the bolts that hold the entire engine together were torqued to spec, its possible one of the screw/bolts that resides in the Neutral switch area was loose causing excessive play, but I could never prove it. 

Good luck with your gaskets.  If you try the drill or dremel method with those rolocs let us know the outcome.
" Why does anyone get offended by what someone does to their own bike? I dont get it. "

You made me think about it after I cheered knowing someone else would like to know what these control freaks are up to.
 Every time any owner strips whatever precious Honda part the horrified purists parts go up in value. That's not the part that bothers them.
 What bothers them is they sat up late at night, their breast full of wonder and estrogen, unable to sleep, dreaming about their lovely darling and all her glory... and next thing you know someone else doesn't share their emotional deluge and their reaction is they must spread their mind museum as far as they possibly can, taking over as much of the real world as possible.

Drink fast, drive slow, but ride it like you stole it

1974 Cb550 with style
2004 SV650s