Greetings and Salutations,
If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, We Want You
I am currently working on a meet and greet for those of us here in the greater bay area in Mid-June. Dates are still in the air, as is the location, but Mid June for the first meet and greet in my short history in this club is optimum for many reasons.
If this is you, either leave a post here or leave me a PM introducing yourself and lets see what kind of turnout we can generate.
Those I am already in contact with may disregard this unless they have something to add.
As a little teaser to get your interest, There will be a Special Guest at the Meet and Greet that I'm sure you'll be glad you came! I want to show our Special Guest A grand California welcome for his stay here and a great turnout would, I think, be great for us all!
I hope to hear from everyone soon,
Peace and Long Rides,