Tlbranth put one on, here is another that may help someone.
So yesterday I pulled a 75 750F out of storage to prep for sale.Had it running last summer. Hooked up my slave tank,turned on the valve and gas ran into the float bowls and promply started to squirt profusely out of the little brass ports at the carb mouth. on carbs 1 and 2. HHMM what the He&*. Dropped the bowl all looked good. Pulled the 2 rubber overflow tubes off the bottom of the bowls and blew into them and they seemed clogged.Turned on the gas again and all was good with them off.
The lesson here should be to not underestimate the importance of the carbs being able to vent and breathe.Check those tubes and the brass overflows inside the bowls to make sure all is clear and good.OK ,carry on folks