Author Topic: The logic behind pods  (Read 584 times)

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Offline 70CB750

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The logic behind pods
« on: August 25, 2011, 06:32:00 PM »
From reading this forum I understand the pods are not the best thing for CB750 carbs.

Anybody knows why?  Is it because the original filter shares the vacuum between carburetors?  Or the pod gives too much air flow for the stock jet?  Or carburetors were designed from the factory to run with air box and pod is just a pour substitute?

Explanation would be appreciated, thanks.
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Offline WarwickE36

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Re: The logic behind pods
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2011, 06:42:28 PM »
Lack of a bell shape that you get with the stock intake boots+airbox, velocity stacks also have this shape.  The shape cuts down on turbulence and allows a steadier more uniform amount of air into each carb.  Also cylinders 1 and 4 seem to have fluctuations due to the lack (usually) of side covers.  As gusts of wind pass by the pods it affects 1 and 4 more adversely than 2 and 3, thus altering the even flow of air to all 4 carbs.  There are more and better explanations if you search.  Charts regarding to the shape of intake boots or velocity stacks.  Tuning with pods. And the Anti-Pod thread ( a member who designed his own non stock design that utilizes stacks and a foam filter)
" Why does anyone get offended by what someone does to their own bike? I dont get it. "

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 Every time any owner strips whatever precious Honda part the horrified purists parts go up in value. That's not the part that bothers them.
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Offline 70CB750

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Re: The logic behind pods
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2011, 06:50:16 PM »
Thank you, I should write 100 times: I will use the search before I post another stupid question :)

There is a a good write up in Carb FAQs - I will drop pods as soon as I fabricate decent replacement.

But the thread on non stock airbox is a nice bonus, I am looking for that one for month plus now, thanks!
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Offline WarwickE36

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Re: The logic behind pods
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2011, 06:54:51 PM »
No worries, I'm not one of the people who sh*t on people for not searching.  If I weren't here to help answer questions I wouldn't keep coming back.  That being said, theres a lot more info out there than what I supplied and searching will provide that.
" Why does anyone get offended by what someone does to their own bike? I dont get it. "

You made me think about it after I cheered knowing someone else would like to know what these control freaks are up to.
 Every time any owner strips whatever precious Honda part the horrified purists parts go up in value. That's not the part that bothers them.
 What bothers them is they sat up late at night, their breast full of wonder and estrogen, unable to sleep, dreaming about their lovely darling and all her glory... and next thing you know someone else doesn't share their emotional deluge and their reaction is they must spread their mind museum as far as they possibly can, taking over as much of the real world as possible.

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Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: The logic behind pods
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2011, 07:06:04 PM »
Logic and pods don't go together.  They just the fill emotional need to look cool. ;D