I had planned to hammer the pistons out through the bottom, but you can't unload the top end with out removing the cam, which must be separated from the sprocket first. There just isn't enough slack on the chain to simply pull it off of the cam sprocket, unless I'm doing it wrong. The tensioner is out and there is a little slack in it, but not enough to even work it off the crank sprocket. Yes, I wen't ahead and split it today. I removed the con rod caps and placeed a peice of wood against the rods and hammered with a hammer. Only ONE moved, and only a short distance, nowhere near TDC. The valves in that cylinder are closed, so it didn't hit them. I found a few bad bearings, though. I'll post some pics and see what y'all say but it looks like an oil issue

so I doubt I'll make any money off of it..... If it was an oil issue then I doubt those pistons will EVER come out.