This is something that's been in the back of my mind for a long time, and I'm sure many of yours, too. This can translate to basically all motorcycles, buy my main focus is sohc4s. What do you think is going to be the end (if any) of your ability to ride and maintain your sohc4?
Some reasons that come to mind for me are:
Cost and/or availability of replacement parts. As these bikes get older and there are fewer and fewer of them, parts sources will most likely dwindle and available parts will cost more.
Cost of fuel. It's not getting any cheaper. I'm sure gasoline will still be available for a long time to come, probably far longer than any of us will last, but as sources get tapped out and used up, and the infrastructure gets changed over to whatever the next main vehicular fuel will be, it will become more difficult and more expensive to obtain. Whether that happens in our lifetimes remains to be seen, but it's a valid concern.
Age. At some point even the best of us, and under the best circumstances, will no longer have the physical strength, reflexes, or mental ability to ride a motorcycle.
Change of life. This doesn't affect me, but I can think of at least five former riders I know that quit when they either had children or entered a relationship with someone who didn't like their spouse riding.
Financial issues. In spite of all best intentions, this one could happen to anyone. For me, my bikes would be two of the last non-essential things to go in the event of an unfortunate and long-term personal financial crisis, but if it came down to having trouble feeding or sheltering my family, the bikes would have to go.
I don't mean to be a downer. I plan on maintaining and riding my sohc4s until it's no longer physically possible for me, but considering my age of 36, if things go decently for me I could conceivably be riding for another 40 years or more. Who knows what's going to happen in that amount of time? My K1, at 40 years old, is already decades older than the vast majority of all other vehicles on the road in this country. I'm really looking forward (circumstances allowing) to regularly riding an 80 year old antique motorcycle someday.
"There goes that crazy old dude on his rolling death-trap!"
What are your concerns, if any?