Author Topic: 350f carb help. Keyster parts can kiss my keyster.  (Read 883 times)

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350f carb help. Keyster parts can kiss my keyster.
« on: August 26, 2011, 08:41:30 PM »
Hi All,

I was having problems with the original needles and seats with my 350f.  Occasionally I'd get the leaky carb that would seem to move around the carb bank (one day carb 1, the next day carb 4, etc).  Pulling apart the carbs, several of the seats had burrs in them from years of use.  Anyways, I replaced all four seats and needles with Keyster parts.  Bad idea.  The springs of the needles of the Keyster parts are far too stiff to seat the needle properly.  I ordered some OEM Honda stuff (painfully expensive) and the problem is solved.  No leaks.  Now I have a new problem.

While I was putting new seats and needles in the carb I also cleaned the entire carb assembly and adjusted the floats (21 mm).  After I put the carbs back together the bike will run on cylinders 2 and 4 only.  1 and 3 plugs are wet but not firing.  I have good spark and timing.  This seems to be fuel related and not an electrical issue.

So what gives?  Really stumped on this one.  Thanks.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 08:49:30 PM by twincityrider »
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Re: 350f carb help. Keyster parts can kiss my keyster.
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2011, 08:59:31 PM »
Try changing your plugs first.  You might have just fouled them out before with the leaking carbs.  If that doesn't solve it, then you should revisit your flat adjustment.  The best way I've found to do it is have the carbs at almost 90 degrees so that the floats just gently rest against the float needles, and then check your float heights.  Adjust as necessary.

Low voltage and bad plugs can cause frustrating problems on our 350Fs.

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