Well, the nice old man across the street, who is a retired Santa Fe/Union Pacific locomotive mechanic, sauntered over this morning to see what I was up to on the bike. I was removing the cover so I could check the torque on the bolts.
Normally he just hems and haws and maybe tells me a story from the good old days.
Today, after I told him what happened, he asked to see my torque wrench and applied it.
"Nope, your wrench is wrong. I'll be back in a bit. Don't touch anything."
Interesting... first time in a month he has offered any advice.
So I went a got cup of coffee for him, and hung out till he showed up with his torque wrench. One of the older dial types.
He asked for the spec, then set to tightening them properly, to the upper range.
"Well, I gotta go, looks like your wrench is off by 4 or 5 footpounds. Maybe you should get a better one and use that for a breaker."
After a more few sips of coffee he and his wrench headed back across the street.
I got the bike hot in the driveway, then ran the bike around the block a few times, getting it up to 7000 RPM.
So far, no sign of a leak. I need to take it out on the freeway to feel more confident the problem is truely solved, but at least it is not a gusher anymore.