I think SOA is a great show, I think it appeals to a lot of people biker or not.
Ooh, and I'm also a big fan of Dexter, he appeals to my inner serial killer............ 
Terry, Dexter is actually one of my favorite tv shows of all time, can't wait for season 5 now in a few weeks.
G'Day Jamie, (or should that be "Top of the morning to ya"?) it was Fathers Day here in Oz last Sunday and the family gave me the boxed set of season 5, I'd already watched it on cable (you'll love it!) but I've got all the other seasons on DVD, so I'll have a Dexter weekend soon, and just watch every episode of season 5 again, it's one of the best shows I've seen, and I never get bored with it! Cheers, Terry.