I have a soft spot for the Hell's Angels MC in particular, a couple of their guys saved me from a beating in 1978, so I still owe them a debt of gratitude. Cheers, Terry. 
Details Terry? You cant say that and not give us details!
Ha ha, it's just a short story mate, I was 18 years old, I rode my shiny new CB750 around to a local convenience store to buy some juice on a warm summer evening. I parked the bike outside, was in there for only 5 minutes, and when I came out, there were around 20 "Skin Heads" hanging around my bike, with one sitting on it. Great............
As I collected my thoughts and started to walk towards them, wondering to myself how many I could take out before I succumbed to the inevitable, there was a roar of unmuffled Harley Davidsons and two massive Hells Angels roared straight at the Skinheads, who scattered in every direction, and just ran away.
I walked up to my saviors, to thank them, but one of them just looked at my bike and said "Jap Shiit", and without another word, they roared away. Funnily, I didn't feel at all offended............... Since then, I've met a few other Angels, and "club business and club politics" aside, as individuals, they've always impressed me as being pretty good blokes. If I wasn't in the Army, I probably would have sold my CB750, bought a Harley and joined the club. Cheers, Terry.