.... better quality chrome (as witnessed by their generally better condition today), better frame welds and drains, ..... quieter, and shifted more assuredly, especially into Neutral on a hot day. And, they get better MPG than the earlier "K" models, and foul sparkplugs far less, no small consideration, even today.......the front disc pads stopped better in the rain than the early ones (and did not squeak), and the disc has the little rain hat to help keep the 2 center pipes cleaner in the wet.......
+1 on all this...I compare my K4 with my K2 and definitely the above is true. However I wouldnt give up my K2 either especially as its now an 810!
But...the K4 has been around......
Whiteface Mountain, Adirondacks, NY Oct 2010
Winter Harbour, ME, Aug 2010
Devils Tower, WY, Oct 2001
Durango, Mexico, Oct 2001
Italian Alps, Aug 2003
New Mexico, Aug 2004
The K4 is a great long distance bike!