There are no interference in the clutch lever and I don't feel it slipping.
I'm familiar with seafoam as I freed up valves in a Shelby Cobra which was sitting for years. Just wasn't sure how much to use in a motorcycle. So 4Oz is good right? And I guess it'll be smoking some as well.
many thanks for your detail instructions. I will follow as you suggested.
Yeah the stuff works, eh? The can says 1.5 oz per quart. So 4+oz ought to do it. It also says that there is no need to change it out. But so many here cant stand the idea of leaving it in, I just say that so I won't get boo'ed off the board.

I have an old John Deere rider mower. Smokes every spring. Put some SF in it. Run it for 5 minutes, smoke goes away for the summer. I suspect a sticky scraper ring.
Whether it makes your bike smoke or not, I don't know. I wouldn't think so.
If it really did work on your clutch, it would be rinsing out caked/burned on oil residue and aluminum gray gook from the plates, so changing it may be a good idea, afterall.