Author Topic: Safe to sandblast 550 head with cover and beather cover all bolted down?  (Read 694 times)

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Offline WarwickE36

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I am about to sandlbast my head, valve cover, and breather cover.  I figured if I plug any holes, and put the side covers on the valve cover.  It should be pretty say to blast the whole unit.  Does this make sense? has anyone do it this way? or have a better way?
" Why does anyone get offended by what someone does to their own bike? I dont get it. "

You made me think about it after I cheered knowing someone else would like to know what these control freaks are up to.
 Every time any owner strips whatever precious Honda part the horrified purists parts go up in value. That's not the part that bothers them.
 What bothers them is they sat up late at night, their breast full of wonder and estrogen, unable to sleep, dreaming about their lovely darling and all her glory... and next thing you know someone else doesn't share their emotional deluge and their reaction is they must spread their mind museum as far as they possibly can, taking over as much of the real world as possible.

Drink fast, drive slow, but ride it like you stole it

1974 Cb550 with style
2004 SV650s

Offline dave500

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ive done it,masked up for about an hour first,then blew air followed by soapy water followed by air over a few times afterwards,undo the masking carefully watching for sand,not much fun but doable,not recommended for those with limited attention to detail.

Offline Steve_K

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It is ok, BUT spend a lot of time cleaning.   Then spend some more. Oil and sand, glass beads, etc make a hard to remove paste.  Not something to travel through your motor.

I glass beaded my fork lowers, taped them very well and still got beads inside.  Solvent, brushes, followed by hot soapy water, i finally got them clean.  Took more time then the bead blasting.  I like the way they look and I would do it again.

BTW, are the values out and how will you from protect the value guides and bearing surfaces?

76 CB 550, 73CB750, 86 GSX-R750, 16 Slingshot
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Offline Eddie

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Ditto what Steve K said..  i've done a lot of sandblasting and that stuff ends up everywhere no matter how good you think you have stuff covered... IMO I would get a good Dremel tool....some 22cal gun cleaning brushes...buffing dohickies and go to town..

Offline WarwickE36

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Too late fellas, I am a gluton for punishment.  I did a ton of taping off with masking tape then duct tape. I should have mentioned that I was only blasting the outer part of the head etc.  I just wanted to make a good surface for paint to stick to.   The only spot that I was worried about was the exhaust ports,  since I will be pulling the valves out to lap them I'm not too concerned.  I plan on taking everything back apart and spraying it all down with solvent, I have to remove all the gasket residue now, which i really should have done before the blasting.  I did the blasting for appearance only so I made sure the business end of the head was taped off really well and it was sitting flat on a box so I doubt much media got into the oil galleries.  I also made sure to plug the cam chain tensioner hole with a body clip.  I will be interested to see if media made it into the ends of the valve cover where the two caps are bolts on.  I figures since there are O-Rings on those cap pieces nothing should get into the rocker shafts.  I guess only time will tell :)


« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 06:17:32 AM by WarwickE36 »
" Why does anyone get offended by what someone does to their own bike? I dont get it. "

You made me think about it after I cheered knowing someone else would like to know what these control freaks are up to.
 Every time any owner strips whatever precious Honda part the horrified purists parts go up in value. That's not the part that bothers them.
 What bothers them is they sat up late at night, their breast full of wonder and estrogen, unable to sleep, dreaming about their lovely darling and all her glory... and next thing you know someone else doesn't share their emotional deluge and their reaction is they must spread their mind museum as far as they possibly can, taking over as much of the real world as possible.

Drink fast, drive slow, but ride it like you stole it

1974 Cb550 with style
2004 SV650s

Offline Dodgy

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Was going to suggest use baking soda or washing up powder, or soda crystals as your grit then it just dissolves and washes away when you are finished.

Offline WarwickE36

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I used fine grit glass media.  It was great shooting at 70psi from about 4-6 inches away from the area you wanted to clean.  Best part is the small beach I created in the parking lot behind my shop.  I'm thinking I might bring in a beach chair and a cooler full of beers for lunch break.
" Why does anyone get offended by what someone does to their own bike? I dont get it. "

You made me think about it after I cheered knowing someone else would like to know what these control freaks are up to.
 Every time any owner strips whatever precious Honda part the horrified purists parts go up in value. That's not the part that bothers them.
 What bothers them is they sat up late at night, their breast full of wonder and estrogen, unable to sleep, dreaming about their lovely darling and all her glory... and next thing you know someone else doesn't share their emotional deluge and their reaction is they must spread their mind museum as far as they possibly can, taking over as much of the real world as possible.

Drink fast, drive slow, but ride it like you stole it

1974 Cb550 with style
2004 SV650s

Offline dave500

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i thought your motor was together,ive done a complete motor,id have no worries doing dissembled parts no masking.