Are they on the bike ?... if so you can test them with a meter on low ohms scale by touching the probes to black/white under the tank at the 3-way connector( coil wires unplugged ) and to blue and yellow wires disconnected from points.... must read very close to 5 ohms for stock coils.( Primary )
Fast test would be to open both points by sliding a piece of card between the point faces , turn on ign. and test for +12v at each point wire ( blue and yellow ).....
There are 2 windings in your coils, the above tests the Primary winding..... the secondary winding is the High Tension part and would be tested with a meter across both spark plug leads... not sure what the reading should be on the secondary.... maybe someone else can 'chip in' with info.......btw, coils very rarely go bad/fail, usually some other cause for ign. problems IMO.