So I decided to pull the trigger and order a set of Keihin CR26 Special carbs and when I received them I found a few surprises.
Firstly, I should mention that I asked that the set of carbs be re-racked with a 77 x 100 x 77 spacing similar to that found on the Kawasaki KZ900’s. This spacing is a perfect match to the intake ports on the CB550 head and would require custom intake manifolds similar to the ones Bwaller used to mount KZ Mikuni carbs.
To this request I was told that it would be no problem, just a small additional charge of $41.00 to re-space them to that specification.
When I received the carbs I found the following.

Since discovering this, I have been told by the vendor that the supplier claims all would be fine and that there isn’t a longer throttle shaft available so not to worry.
What says you experts out there?