if you are going for a stock style upgrade, that's a nice choice for sure, they look great.
might need one of those for my H1. not because its near stock but because i would like to ditch the tach cable.
running an SPA speedo/tach on one of my RD's and it is hands down the best made gauge i have ever seen. neat thing is you can trigger the tach off the charging system ac lead (as the cdi was causing it to go bat#$%* at 8k) and it gets 6 pulses per rev, very very responsive. clean all the way past 11k if needed, and the speedo in the face works very well.
recall function too...

night shot, much 'cleaner' in real life, camera got a bit blurry in the lighting condition

the reason i bring this up is they also make speedos and the insert readout can be used for cyl head temp and oil temp, charging, etc, and im pretty sure they will fit into stock gauge housings. they also make them in black faced versions. they are pricey though, that unit cost 445 when i got it 3 yrs ago. worth every cent though, been very happy and customer support is top-notch