Author Topic: Thanks Old School.....  (Read 3021 times)

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Offline Kevin D

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Thanks Old School.....
« on: September 08, 2011, 03:07:37 PM »
.......for all of your efforts to put this Team together and keep it sorted out properly. Its no small task and I think you have done a fine job.

I wish I had some more photos but I was very much "in the moment" so heres a couple things that I remember.

Avoiding the wrong way driver on Michigan Avenue in front of Ford World HQ.

All of smiling faces and euphoria when we arrived at Roosevelt Park in front of the Michigan Central Station.

Wohali making order out of chaos for the group photos.

Wohali returning alone to Canada, missed turn to bridge, rides around Detroit for a while, then drives past Team at gas stop. We reeled her in and gave her a group escort to the bridge.....then Team goes through Mexicantown and up Scotten Avenue to ride under flooded RR underpass.... no bikes flooded there!

Artsqu takes off through the twisties, I don't think he saw the "Loose Gravel" sign, and he made it through safely, while I had a death grip on the bars.

Arriving in Hell and getting rushed by two bikini babe bike washers, anybody got a picture of that?

It poured down rain while we were inside eating, not while we were riding. How did you arrange that Old School??

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Offline OldSchool_IsCool

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Thanks Old School.....
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2011, 06:55:18 AM »
Rain avoidance was all GZ's doing!  Bill, Sean and I sure got rained on just before we got to your readout!

Yea, if I woulda had my thoughts together when those two fine young ladies in Hell offered to wash some bikes, I woulda asked them to wash "my little friend" too!! That would have made for some AWESOME GZ pics!!

All on all, it was a GREAT experience. Great bikes and GREAT riders!!  And what a whacky excuse to bring 'em all together!! I'm looking forward to doing it all again too!
Can I have a motorcycle when I get old enough?
If you take care of it.
What do you have to do?
Lot’s of things. You’ve been watching me.
Will you show me all of them?
Is it hard?
Not if you have the right attitudes. It’s having the right attitudes that’s hard.