TT its been about 800 - 1000 mi since last oil change, early summer . Im using Castrol Actevo x-tra 4t 10/40. Couple other things I was wondering that could cause this , the bike has been idling on the high side, I need to get this thing synched , so on a couple of start-ups it has reved almost to the red line. Ive also been mostly doin city driving, no freeway, tires are in bad shape, but that is on the docket later this week ! ( anyone have a good sugestion for tires, cause I cant make up my mind which ones to get !) Other then that , the bikes been runnin great, Ill take a look at the valves later this afternoon and see whats what.,wouldnt mind doin an oil change, and on that note, summer is over here in Minnesota, and it will be getting cooler starting this week lows in 40's highs in the 60's , would it be a good idea to run a heavier oil ?