Author Topic: Young riders and crotch rockets  (Read 4389 times)

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Offline dhall57

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Young riders and crotch rockets
« on: September 11, 2011, 12:21:01 AM »
Well it happened again 3 nights ago at a local restaurants bike night in my town when 3 young riders(all in there early 20's were seriously hurt 1 with life threating injuries because of speed, showing off and just plain being stupid. This is not a rare case it happens all to often, all you have to do to is pick up a paper or watch your local news and you will see where mostly young riders on these bullet bikes has died in a crash. What can be done so these young riders can grow to be old riders. Is it the mfg. fault for building and selling bikes that will right off the showroom floor run at such high speeds. Or is it just the young rider who thinks he can't get hurt and is going to live forever that's the problem, or just the combination of the two together?
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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2011, 01:08:28 AM »
I Dunno... the CMRA has a good program for getting people off the street and doing the Provincial Novice   rider's school and yellow shirts, many who are surprisingly fast and lead races leaving older experienced blokes behind by several seconds a lap.  Hallet is one track that the lap record has been shaved down by a few seconds  in the last couple years events, mostly by new riders.

Some turn out to be Danny Eslick's and Dane Wesby's (sic?) and it keeps their fast riding directed to an off-road road course.  Must be some local club you can send those guys to to get their desires to test their bikes WOT filled in a safer way.

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Offline petercb750

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2011, 01:09:01 AM »
To be honest, I don't think we were much different when we were young - well I wasn't. We rode high powered superbikes (for their time) and rode like idiots - well I did. We're just lucky we're here to talk about it - well I am. The only difference as I see it is the bikes are about twice as fast these days. But I lost a lot mates back in the 70/80s who were on 70/80hp bikes, so perhaps speed has little to do with it. A lot of the time it's just luck. There's more training, some compulsory, and better riding gear available these days, and better tyres and brakes, but luck does run out for some. And there are a lot more bikes on the road too, so the stats will go up accordingly.

How do we stop it? We never will, but if proper training is provided, including teaching responsible attitudes and behaviour, it can help. Limiting the power/speed will have little impact (no pun intended).

Around these parts it's the more mature riders that are adding to the death toll - the born again bikers or the first timers going through their mid-life crisis are an alarming statistic.
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Offline dave500

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2011, 01:18:49 AM »
younger riders also grew up and still grow up with an everything to the extreme thrown at them,,computer games where you get many lives,the stunts the crusty demons pull off make evil kenevil look like a jerk,and its also attitude,,its not every young rider just a hell of a lot of them,,i see where your going with the manufactuers angle,we had an australia wide 250cc only law for learners here started in the late 70s because anyone could go and buy a "kwaka 900"and display the "L" plates,thats since been changed now and goes on a power to weight ratio,its cars aswell,although a smash is more likely to be survived,its not so much the high speeds as much as the peer pressure and foolish behaviour,lack of respect and training,,none of us are angels here and have done and still do our fair share of scallywag antics,there is a zone i for one dont enter though.

Offline johnny

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2011, 05:09:59 AM »
Here in Chicago, I see TONS of young guys (it's always guys) on crotch rockets wearing little or no protective gear (usually, if they have a helmet, it's attached to the side of the bike?!) doing stupid #$%* (wheelies, lane splitting, etc.) in city traffic.
Even though you are required to have motorcycle certification on your driver's license, I can guarantee a good percentage of them do not. Many of these kids drive a powerful bike right off the showroom floor with little or no experience and probably receive most of their rider "training" from television or their moron buddies.
I realize I'm making sweeping assumptions here but it's what I see every day during the summer in this city.
How do we correct it? For starters, how about required training and licensing before you can even purchase a bike or transfer a title? The MSF course is invaluable for new riders but it hardly prepares you to hop on a 1000cc bike after completion and ride like a pro. Hell, I think EVERY licensed driver of a motor vehicle should be required to take additional and follow-up training in order to keep your driver's license valid. I'm pretty comfortable in my own riding ability at this point but most of my close calls are a result of drivers on four wheels doing stupid #$%*.
Unfortunately, like most things in life, the problem can't (and shouldn't) be regulated to death (no pun intended). It comes down to a matter of personal responsibility. Wanna ride with sandals, no helmet but have a protective vest on? Go ahead, genius! Wanna race your meathead buddies to the next stop light in rush hour traffic? Knock yourself out, Einstein. I think someone like comedian Lewis Black would consider this as society "thinning the herd."
Sorry, I'm not really known for my compassion.
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Offline dhall57

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2011, 06:36:40 AM »
To be honest, I don't think we were much different when we were young - well I wasn't. We rode high powered superbikes (for their time) and rode like idiots - well I did. We're just lucky we're here to talk about it - well I am. The only difference as I see it is the bikes are about twice as fast these days. But I lost a lot mates back in the 70/80s who were on 70/80hp bikes, so perhaps speed has little to do with it. A lot of the time it's just luck. There's more training, some compulsory, and better riding gear available these days, and better tyres and brakes, but luck does run out for some. And there are a lot more bikes on the road too, so the stats will go up accordingly.

How do we stop it? We never will, but if proper training is provided, including teaching responsible attitudes and behaviour, it can help. Limiting the power/speed will have little impact (no pun intended).

Around these parts it's the more mature riders that are adding to the death toll - the born again bikers or the first timers going through their mid-life crisis are an alarming statistic.
I agree PeterCB, we all do crazy and stupid things in our youth and only by the grace of GOD that we survived that time in our lives and very sad that some aren't as lucky and do not. I know its a different time now than it was 35 to 40 years ago when I was a teenager in the early to mid 70's. The fast bikes back than of course was the Honda CB750, Kawasaki 500, and 750 2 stroke triples and a few others. All of these bikes capable of over 120mph top speed and mid 12's to low 13 qt. mile times. But by todays standards our superbikes of the 70's are going backwards compared to whats available to the young rider today. One example is the Suzuki Hayabusa 1300 stock off the show room floor-

150 to 160 HP
180 to 190 top speed
0 to 60 3 seconds or less
1/4 mile times 10 seconds
This is like riding a missile that as two wheels and handle bars. Getting most young inexperienced riders on a bike like this or similar bike is just a disaster waiting to happen.
1970 CB750KO
1971 CB500KO-project bike
1973 CB350G- project bike
1974 CB750K4-project bike
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1976 CB750K6
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Offline RustyJC

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2011, 07:19:43 AM »
We lost a 18 year old neighbor kid a few years ago who talked his parents into letting him buy a new Honda CB900RR for his first bike.  He and a buddy were drag racing a few blocks from here when he lost control of the bike, went over the bars and head-first into a curb at what the investigating officers estimate was "over 90 MPH."  Even with a helmet, he was dead on impact.

I'll be the first to admit that, when I was younger, I went through the "10 feet tall and bulletproof" phase just like most kids, but even my 750 was much milder than the bikes the kids can buy today - heck, even my old man's BMW has 152 BHP and passes 100 MPH just after the 2nd-to-3rd shift (6 speed transmission) and is governed at 155 MPH.

1971 CB750K1 (original owner)

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Offline bluezboy

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2011, 07:31:43 AM »
 Yeah, I see those hot shots all the time around here, doing stupid crap that gives all of us sane riders a bad name. Like some one else said, it's just thinning the herd, and if you're going to be that dumb to rider that fast without any gear, well, you're asking for it. My 73' 750 has all the HP I need!

Offline dhall57

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2011, 08:42:26 AM »
Case in point, I was going home from work Friday on interstate 40 a busy main hwy, not on either one of my 750's but in my Chev 1500. Speed limit is 65mph and I was just keeping up with traffic but still speeding at almost 75. I saw a bike coming down the on ramp and at that time riding like he respected the bike and he had some sense about him. I was in the right lane him the left I threw up my hand but he never acknowledged me. He rode along beside me in the left lane for a little while with his back wheel  just a head of me at my left fender. Like I said I was running 75 and the next thing I knew he took off and even though he had clear sailing in his lane he chose to switch lanes back and forth between cars I guess to impress everyone with his riding skills and with in 10 seconds in was out of sight. So Im guessing he was running 120 or better in a 65. I don't want to see any motorcyclist hurt or killed no matter what he is riding or how stupid  there acting, but Im afraid if he keeps riding like that he won't live to be a old man sitting in his easy chair playing with his grandchildren :( :(
« Last Edit: September 11, 2011, 10:23:27 AM by dhall57 »
1970 CB750KO
1971 CB500KO-project bike
1973 CB350G- project bike
1974 CB750K4-project bike
1974 CB750K4
1976 CB750K6
1977 GL1000
1997 Harley Wideglide

Offline nokrome

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2011, 11:36:16 AM »
about two years ago one of the water jet operators at my work (mid twentys guy, first bike) bought a brand new gsxr 650/750?? about two weeks later im talking to him about something and he shows me a stunt riding dvd and says "hey, check this out, its my new training video" at this point im think that this is not going to end well. sure enough later that day during lunch break he's out in the back parking lot with half the company standing around watching him pull wheelies (no gear, no helmet) guess what happened next?  thats right, comes down off a high speed wheelie loses control when the front wheel hits the ground, slides into then up and over a curb and then bounces off a huge tree, he finally comes to rest a bloody broken embarrased mess with a totaled bike lying next to him. 911 was called, ambulance shows up and takes him away, he came out of it with some gnarly road rash and a broken shoulder, he was super lucky imo and learned a lesson the hard way.
  i bet he wished he would have just chilled out and enjoyed his new bike like a normal person
Funny thing about regret is...... its better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't done.


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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2011, 08:47:37 PM »
The Ride Of The Century 2010
This little annual "get together" is quite the spectical. I don't get it, but I guess I'm too old. They usually shut down the interstate, and the ones at the front of the pack start a stunt circus in the middle of the highway (while the traffic backs up for a mile or so).
Rev limiting throttle blips, tires mercillesly smoked, misc. abuse, etc. No respect at all

Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2011, 09:20:19 PM »
Darwin helps to explain how idiots like these are removed from the gene pool. No sympathy here, they won't be around to pass on their stupid genes as long as they didn't procreate beforehand- then, we are slightly screwed.

All it takes is one decent sized vehicle to ram through the crowd and dust a #$%*load of 'em. Just ask the critical mass kids in Brazil how that works...

Mad driver runs over dozens of cyclists during critical mass in Brazil
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

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Offline nokrome

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2011, 11:54:14 PM »
The Ride Of The Century 2010
This little annual "get together" is quite the spectical. I don't get it, but I guess I'm too old. They usually shut down the interstate, and the ones at the front of the pack start a stunt circus in the middle of the highway (while the traffic backs up for a mile or so).
Rev limiting throttle blips, tires mercillesly smoked, misc. abuse, etc. No respect at all
  what a bunch of d!pSh!ts,
    wheres the effin cops when all this is going on????
       oh yeah, they are busy pulling ME over for going a few mph over the limit on my 750

Funny thing about regret is...... its better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't done.

Offline jneuf

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2011, 07:20:56 AM »
I'm 27, just got my license last year, and haven't ridden anything other than SOHC Hondas....I rode my 400f to the gym the other day, and a guy I know pulled up on his newer crotch rocket...turns out it was an '05 Ninja zx6r (636 cc)....He just got his license a couple months prior, so this was his first bike...Not knowing how much power these things put out, I thought a 636 cc bike was pretty reasonable for a first bike, until I got home and looked at the specs...The thing weights 400 lbs and makes 114 HP at the wheel! That's crazy!!

I know everyone loves to get on the throttle every now and then, but now I can see how those bikes are death traps in the wrong hands...
'75 CB400f

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2011, 09:43:30 AM »
The Ride Of The Century 2010
This little annual "get together" is quite the spectical. I don't get it, but I guess I'm too old. They usually shut down the interstate, and the ones at the front of the pack start a stunt circus in the middle of the highway (while the traffic backs up for a mile or so).
Rev limiting throttle blips, tires mercillesly smoked, misc. abuse, etc. No respect at all

I have seen video of the Ruff Riders in LA stopping traffic on the freeway to stunt.
I don't have a motorcycle, sold it ('85 Yamaha Venture Royale).  Haven't had a CB750 for over 40 years.

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2011, 11:35:07 AM »
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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2011, 03:21:41 PM »
  I now I shouldn't say this about those nuts on the crotch rockets, but I actually was impressed by their skills, of course it's totally dangerous and stupid, Can you imagine us trying to pull our heavy ass bikes into a wheelie like that. Makes me laugh just thinking about it.

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2011, 03:28:32 PM »
Yes, I am impressed with their skills too but what I also saw in that video is what I would call abuse on the roadway and dangerous for other people around them.  I am not speaking for anyone else, just me.  Yes, I was a stinker as a teen but I was no where near that good either!
I don't have a motorcycle, sold it ('85 Yamaha Venture Royale).  Haven't had a CB750 for over 40 years.

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2011, 05:39:50 PM »
Yes, I am impressed with their skills too but what I also saw in that video is what I would call abuse on the roadway and dangerous for other people around them.  I am not speaking for anyone else, just me.  Yes, I was a stinker as a teen but I was no where near that good either!


I'm eqully impressed by a good marksmanship demonstration, but if it were being done in the middle of a shopping mall instead of an appropriate shooting range I would call it dangerous and stupid, too. 

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2011, 02:36:03 AM »
I have to say I have slowed down in the past few years,
had to, as my cb550 is not all that fast.

As a matter of fact I haven't ridden over 135mph on a GSX1100 in over 2 weeks.

Speed kills, but I still love it.

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2011, 05:30:03 AM »
In my twenties in the east block we only had Jawas and CZs 50, 175 - 350 two stroke and kids still were able to kill themselves.
After the wall came down, they started killing themselves much faster,  I knew a guy who died the same day he got his new CBR - head on with a bus.

We have a joke, goes like this:

Phone rings at motorcycle dealership, the boss picks it up and hears:

"This is the mortuary, how many of those new motorcycles did you sell today?"

"Ten, why do you ask?"

"You say ten?  Hmm, there are still two more riding somewhere in the town."

To put it in the right perspective, I walked through a memorial to people who died in High Tatras - and majority of them were guys between 18 and 28;  it is not the bike, the mountain or rapids.  What counts more is common sense (or lack of), circumstances and luck.

OK, I am off the soap box now  :)
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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2011, 06:42:05 AM »
Stepped licensing as in the UK. You have to learn on a 125cc and do a comprehensive parking lot test, not just going arouind the cones! Now you get your L plate and then are followed on the road by an examiner while you wear a headset and follow his instructions. Here in NC you do a quick basic written test and a 10 minute cone thing and you now have a full license. Working in a bike shop I see young guys come in and buy a GSXR, CBR, or R1 as their very 1st bike! I have seen them shoot straight across the 4 lane in front of the shop and trash the bike with 0 miles on it. I have watched a newb with a crotch rocket unable to get his new toy out of 1st gear after an hour in the parking lot! He gave up and said he would get a buddy to pick it up. WTF? You can't ride at all and you buy a bike with 150HP? Actually there is nothing quite like an off to make you respect your machine altho it's a hard lesson to learn. We have all done stoopid s##t on our bikes but they were not in the same league as modern bikes for power. I agree about BABs; they need to reacquaint them selves with riding if they have neen off the road for 20 years.
There simply is no substitute for experience.

Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2011, 08:26:51 AM »
This is Uhmerica mate, we can't be bothered with minor things like common sense or logical reasoning...  ::)
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

"It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The gods will not save you." Ervin Burrell

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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2011, 10:26:54 PM »
All they need to do is BE VERY NICE TO IT for a couple of years.  Just feel the bike out for a long while.  They'd be fine if they had a little self control.
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Re: Young riders and crotch rockets
« Reply #24 on: September 16, 2011, 05:43:08 AM »
They'd be fine if they had a little self control.

Unfortunately, with most adolescents, common sense is extremely uncommon.  :o  That was certainly the case with me.

1971 CB750K1 (original owner)

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