Good job on the seat modifications. Like to see the finished result.
Be careful welding around those contact cement glue fumes!!!
I noticed you were wearing gloves but no gloves for the welding.
Do not wear the tight fitting mechanics gloves while welding. If they get hot that synthetic material will stick to your skin and burn.
Can hardly wait to see your finished seat. Thanks for posting.
Thanks for the concerns lucky! Haha, actually I wasn't welding. Just filing off the screws that were poking out. But note taken, good tip! The seat is well on its way now, once i get my photos organized i will keep you guys up to date!
Wow, never thought of mounting those from the ignition mounts, Looks great. I made a dash panel from aluminum to mount mine.
Thank you! yeah we were playing around seeing where it fits best, there is a slight 'tilt' on the gauges, but i can live with that. it fit nicely! We moved the choke down to another slot to make room.

Pod filters cleaned up nicely!