I had this issue with my project bike. I wanted to go from a rt side petcock to a left. I got hold of what i thought was a CB750 tank, a little later model where they moved the petcock over, from a salvage yard. it was not identified, I labeled it CB750. Years later when i went to fit it i had the same problem you have. Also the rear tab was just a skosh too far back. I had the tank altered, welded tabs on the cups to narrow them and cut some of the rear tab off. Then time passed and when i went to use it discovered it was rusted out.
I've since scored a left side petcock tank from eBay and it fits beautifully.
My conclusion is I never really had a CB750 tank. I think it was a CB450 or such which are visually near identical. Is your ill fitting tank a left or right side petcock?
There are wider rubber bumpers I scored at the salvage yard to help mediate the problem with the ill fitting tank. Check the microfiches to see if the 450 bushes are longer than the 750 ones. i may still have them kicking around.