Anyone use the "degrees of adjuster turn" method for clearance?
Take the thread pitch. I don't recall the actual thread pitch on the CB750 Adjusters. But, lets say it was 1.5 mm. Divide that by 360 (degrees in one full turn). Divide that into the desired clearance, and you have the number of degrees to turn the adjuster out from making contact with the valve stem to achieve proper clearance. If your desired tappet clearance is say, .05mm, then turn the adjuster out 12 degrees. If your adjuster and stem are convex and concave respectively, this will give a more accurate adjustment than using a feeler gauge it the gap. The error induced would be from loose thread engagement examples.
I've seen adjuster tools that have the degree wheel markings as part of the adjuster in a Honda shop. It was a single tool that did the whole adjustment, unlock, screw in, screw out, and lock down. I don't have one, though. I'll see if an internet search can find a picture of one and post later.
Anyway, be aware that if your adjuster and stem ARE convex and concave, it will wear valve guides faster, due to the arc geometry of the rocker movement putting side loads on the valve stem to guide.